My star

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A fluffy oneshot for those who want it!

I hope you are feeling well, remember to drink a lot of water and that people care for you, not matter who you are! Have an amazing day, and I hope you are doing good! Enjoy!


Rui was a lonely child. He would often stare into the big mirror in his room, playing with his toys, acting like someone was here. It never really convinced him. Then one day, he met a strange boy.

Said boy crashed in his garden. Rui had seen... some sort of shooting star heading for his home. Concerned (and thinking that, maybe, this was an interesting object he could study further), Rui ran outside. His parents weren't home today. He expected to find a rock, a chunk of meteorite even. That wasn't the case.

A small boy, who looked to be about Rui's age, was laying on the ground, peacefully sleeping. He had hair golden and shining, almost like a star. Fascinated by the strange boy, Rui approached him, not even bothering to check if it was safe. The boy looked like he had fallen from the sky, yet there wasn't any crater or injuries on him. And he didn't seem dead. He was just sleeping.

Deciding he couldn't leave him here, Rui took the boy home. He brought him back to his room (or his garage), and put him in his bed. This poor boy looked to fragile that he could break if the wind were to blow too strongly next to him. And finally, Rui waited. And he waited. Until the boy woke up, about an hour later.

That poor being looked confused. He kept turning his head, observing his surroundings. He then finally looked at Rui. His eyes widened. Then a few notes came out of his mouth. It sounded like music. To say Rui was fascinated was an understatement. However, when he tried to talk to him, the boy didn't seem to understand. He kept singing softly, apparently a bit worried about the fact that he couldn't understand the human.

Rui, as his final idea to communicate, gave the boy a piece of paper with a pencil. The boy seemed happy. He drew a star. And other stars. Then he supposedly colored the background so it would look like the night sky. He pointed at a star, singing a soft tune. Was this supposed to be him? Was this boy an actual star?

Rui was so confused but so excited. This was the best thing that ever happened in his life! He then tried to write a bit. He asked for a name. The boy answered in song again. He wrote his question, the boy didn't seem to understand. Then he pointed at the star, an interrogated look on his face. The boy smiled, humming a short, soft tune. Was that his name? A song?

To try it, Rui did his best to replicate the melody. The boy looked really happy. His smile was bright, just like the rest of him. The faint glow that he produced was more noticeable now. Was this how he could express happiness? Rui smiled. He had managed to learn the boy's name. Although it wasn't really a name, since it was a song. Maybe he could try to give him a human name? Rui thought for a while, looking at the boy.


It sounded good! Now he had to make the other understand this was a name. Rui pointed at him, then repeated the name. The boy tilted his head, opening his mouth. He was trying to say it.

"" was the only thing he managed to say


Rui smiled. It was a cute nickname. It definitely suited him. Kasa made a few cute noises, wanting to make the other know he liked that name. He then pointed at Rui, humming a soft tune again. Was he asking for his name?


The purple-haired boy answered, smiling. He liked Kasa already. He was so fascinating and cute!


Kasa chirped, a wide smile on his face. It wasn't exactly that, but he could at least say half of it. Rui decided to note the tune that represented Kasa's name, so he could remember it. He didn't think he would ever forget it. Kasa was his new friend after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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