First chapter: a new beginning

Start from the beginning

Russia was rather hungry, but did not really feel like eating. Without even opening his baggage and changing his clothes, he lied down on the brownish couch and dozed off. 


He was woken up the next day by the bright light coming from the window that occupied almost the entirety of a wall in the main room. At first Russia felt lost, it took a few minutes of staring at the void to remember where he was. And as soon as he did, he stood up and went checking the contents of the cupboards in the kitchen. There he managed to find some rice, flour, pasta and a box of biscuits. He still found this gesture of leaving him some food very kind and thoughtful. He quickly took a few biscuits and, as if he were in a race against time, went to get ready. 

Some thirty minutes later he felt fresh and was prepared to go out. 

Of course one would wonder, why would he go to such a city as New York?
Well, as to explain, Russia was in search of a brand new life. Not exactly voluntarily though... 

He knew his father was in a dangerous position, his job was a risky one after all. Just one wrong step and he would have been done for. Oh, how many times he had promised to little Russia that all would go according to his plans, but maybe just for a second did Russia believe him. He knew his father was the worst scoundrel, a plain liar. And because of him, all his life was ruined; as guess what? Of course he screwed up! 

On that fateful day, Russia has received the orders he knew would come, but hoped he would never hear. He took only essentials with him and during the night he ran off, leaving his beloved house, an old but well-kept flat in Saint Petersburg, the place that he grew up in, with all his memories, good and bad ones. But he could not waste any time, so he took a taxi to the airport, and left with the first plane to Istanbul, then from there to Paris, and finally he was off to New York City. He did not get a chance to say goodbye to anyone, not even to his house as he was too busy with packing up; he did not look back once. 

His father had wanted him to go to this city if something ever happened to him. And there were plenty of reasons: the main one was that he knew some people here that would help his son. He was not a very likable person, but he had been an important one whatsoever. Russia was lesser known in general, he was heard of, but all of his father's acquaintances here had never actually met him in person. Russia was also kind of reserved, he used to go out when he was in Petersburg, but would only frequent the same places and never spoke a word to anyone when he went there. 

So really, even if he felt he was leaving his whole live behind, the only person he actually 'abandoned' was his father. He knew he would be dead by the time he would arrive to the US. But was not so upset about it, it was not him that was bothering his heart: rather it was the fear of the new. He was so used to that cycle that had been his life until now, that he got more nervous than he would have expected now that he had finally approached this fresh start. In all his worries there was hope, though it was well hidden under the anxieties of meeting new people, having to eat weird foods, living in such a city that felt more or less opposite to his...

But perhaps he needed this push, if nothing had ever happened that forced him to leave his country he would have never had done so! And now he had a chance. No one could harm him now that he was in America. He did not have to hide, he did not have to lie, he did not have to pretend anymore. He felt freed of all those restrictions he had when he was in his homeland. Yes, he loved his country, but his father had made his existence a living hell. Ergo, now he was liberated. 

And, ready to set off for this new opportunity, he lifted up his gaze. He quickly checked his appearance for a last time, and looking at the tall mirror positioned in the bathroom, he could see his well-combed, dark brown, short hair, paired with two brown eyes and some formal-ish clothes. He hoped he was looking good enough to make a decent first impression. So he put on a jacket, took the house-key and his phone, and then finally left the apartment. 


Author's notes: 

This is the first part of a little story I thought of. I am not a good writer at all, so I excuse myself for my terrible grammar and sentence structure. I am also not very original and I lack imagination, but I am doing my best. 

All chapters in this story will be kind of short, and there won't be many parts either since I'm planning to make it a tiny tiny, and perhaps even boring, adventure. 

But this is still just an introduction! Even though you can probably already figure out how this is all going to develop. 

Well, until next time!

Word count: circa 1700 words

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