Layla Talks

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

(Master to Kitten, Kitten to Master)

[Kitten speech]


(Voldemort's Throne Room)

Voldemort called Layla back to the throne room. It had been four hours since the girl had gotten her mark but the dark lord was greedy for information. She was shaky as she bowed to him. She was ready for her orders. She just hoped it was to give information about the freak. She was ready to tell him everything she could.

"Tell me everything about Potter." He ordered.

"Gladly." She said, eager to talk.

She told the dark lord everything she knew about the freak, except where he lived. She certainly tried to but nothing came out. That meant that they had used the fidelis spell to hide their home from her. She did tell the dark lord where Potter went to school.

"Pharaoh's Academy?" That displeased him.

The reason he was displeased was because the school was heavily protected by gods. After an attack on the school Pharaoh Asim's great grandchild had prayed to his gods. They placed wards around the school to keep them safe. No one but a god or someone just as powerful could get into the school. There was no way he would be able to get the boy there.

"Yes my lord." Layla confirmed.

"Dammit." He hissed.

"I'm sorry my lord." She knew why he was pissed.

"Why would they have their house under the fidelis spell?" He asked her. 'Do they know?'

"To stop me." She guessed.

"I see." It was a relief that they didn't know he was back. 'There better not be a spy among us or they will dearly pay for it.'

"Sorry." She bowed.

"It's fine." He lied. 'Better than them knowing I am back.'

"Good." That was a relief.

"Now tell me about the others that hang around the child." He demanded.

Layla had listed off a bunch of names. He was surprised that the Longbottom child was a fairy. That did make it a little more difficult but he did know how to harm fairies so it was all right. He also knew how to harm nekos so he wasn't worried. The one name that Layla told him was definitely a shock.

Of all the people he had expected to hear being near Potter he wasn't expecting Severus Snape to be one of them. He had raised a non-existent eyebrow at that one. He knew that James Potter was a bully and his favorite victim was Snape. He assumed the man would hate the child. He was also surprised to learn that he was friends with his other two bullies. It didn't bode well since the man knew many of the dark lord's secrets.

'That traitor better not have told them or what I will do to him will be worse.' He thought. "So that was where Severus Snape went. That traitor really betrayed me." He said.

"He's the one that saved the freak." She informed him.

"What?" He looked at her.

"Lucas found that freak dying in a trashcan. His relatives had beaten him so badly and then threw him away. Lucas took Potter to Snape. He healed the freak and that was when he became a neko." She explained.

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