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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.

(Master to Kitten, Kitten to Master)

[Kitten speech]


(With Voldemort and Auror Beaker)

Auror Beaker was summoned by her lord. Luckily it was after she had gotten out of work so she didn't need to make an excuse. She quickly went to her lord. It took a bit since she needed to use a port-key before apparating. Once there she bowed.

"You summoned me, my lord?" She kept her eyes on the floor.

"I did. I have a way to sneak Layla Dreamer out of prison." He told her.

"I knew that you would figure it out quickly, my lord." She praised.

"Thank you, my dear." He smirked. "Give this potion to her. It will temporarily make her dead. Long enough for her to be taken out of prison. Then you switch her body with a dead, transfigured muggle. Take her to me after that."

"Yes sir." She said, taking the vial before leaving.

(With Layla)

"Hello Layla." Auror Beaker greeted.

"Hello." She looked at her.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Yes I am." She answered.

"Drink this." She said, "It will make you temporarily dead."

"Alright." She did as told.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." The auror left.

Layla felt extremely tired. She laid back on the bed and passed out. The auror came back with another. Auror Beaker acted concerned and pointed out that Layla wasn't breathing. They called a healer and they pronounced her dead. Unfortunately the auror had forgotten the empty vial. Layla stupidly put it in her shirt. It had fallen during the transfer.

It was found by another auror who brought it to their boss. They had the vial tested and they realized what was going on. It was too late to get Layla back. Her body was supposed to be taken to the ministry until her family claimed the body. Auror Beaker had instead given her a port-key that the woman used when she was being transported. Layla was now with the dark lord.

The aurors were sent out to find her. Auror Beaker sent off the message to her lord. The man was furious and vowed the two would be punished. He then ordered her to send her co-workers on a goose chase before making them believe she fled the country. She did as told but vowed to make that little bitch pay. She knew she was going to be punished, and horribly at that. She just hoped that her lord didn't kill her for it.

Layla soon arrived at the manor. She was worried that she would be punished. It wasn't her fault. The vial was unbreakable and she had nowhere else to put it. Beaker should have taken the vial before leaving.

"Welcome, Miss Dreamer." Voldemort greeted her.

"Thank you. I do apologize sir. I tried to hide the vial as best as I could. I figured Beaker would have taken the vial." She said.

"Oh?" He looked at her.

"I knew they would search the room so I had placed the vial down my search, thinking Beaker would have come to check my pulse and seen it." She said.

Master and His KittenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora