Untold Allies // Chapter 10

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The weekend before the third task, tensions throughout Hogwart's halls were high. The Daily Profit had reported Barty Crouch Senior's sudden disappearance as "suspiciously close to the end of the Triwizard Tournament". While this fact weighed heavily on the wizarding population's mind, the residents of Hogwarts however had only one thing on theirs. What was the third task?

While walking into the Great Hall, Magnolia and Nicole were flagged down by Hermione who was sitting at the Gryffindor table with her usual group, Harry and Ron. The two happily hurried over to see what their new friends wanted.

"Girls cancel all your plans for today because we are going to Hogsmeade!" Hermione cheered.

"No offense Mione, but what is Hogsmeade?" Magnolia asked.

"It's a town outside of the school where you can buy all types of things from a bunch of shops," Hermione shared, handing the girls a map, "Meet us at the Three Broomsticks around 3?"

"Sounds like a plan to me," Nicole replied.

"Oh definitely count me in," Magnolia cheered

The girls left the group with the map of Hogsmeade and found two empty seats near the front of the hall. While looking at the map the girls figured they had time to check out a couple of stores before meeting up with the trio at the Three Broomsticks. Nicole wanted to go to Tomes and Scrolls and Splintwitches Sporting Needs, and Magnolia planned to visit Gladrag's Wizardwear and Honeydukes. Armed with a plan to tackle the village the two witches left Hogwarts for their first stop.

**Tomes and Scrolls**

After pushing open the large shop door the girls' senses were overtaken by the smell of old parchment and ink. Nicole's eyes lit up at the sight of the shop. Inside the small building were bookcases lining the walls filled top to bottom with a wide array of books. Magnolia summoned a small basket and braced herself for the boring task of following Nicole around as she scanned the bookshelves. Nicole picked up a couple of different books and looked over the back of the books before either placing them into the small wicker basket Magnoila carried or gingerly putting the book back into its place. Just as Magnolia thought she might actually die of boredom a boy rounded the corner.

"Oh, Draco. Nice seeing you here." Nicole said turning to the boy.

"Yeah and why's that Nicole?" Draco sneered.

"Just haven't had any time to talk after our last encounter," Nicole said bashfully.

"Oh you mean when you stood up for Potter, and that demented Moody turned me into a ferret."

"Yeah, that was pretty funny." Magnolia giggled before quickly realizing it was a rhetorical question.

"I'm sorry who are you?"

"Magnolia Watt," Magnolia started to offer her hand to Draco, but Nicole quickly pushed her hand back down.

"Well, Magnolia will see who's laughing at who after the third task." Draco hissed.

"Listen Malfoy I just wanted to apologize, but if you want to be a little twat forget about it." Nicole snapped before grabbing Magnoila's hand and ushering her over to the counter to check out.

"Yeah go on and run away Nicole. It's what you're good at," shouted Draco towards the two.

"Langlock!" Nicole belted flicking her wand in the boy's direction.

"Mmmmmph mmmmm," Draco mumbled.

"What the hell did that do?" Magnolia laughed.

"Nothing terrible. Just stuck his tongue to the roof of his mouth." Nicole joked.

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