Untold Fights // Chapter 8

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"MERRY CHRISTMAS NIKI!" Magnolia yelled jumping onto Nicole's bed.

"Merry Christmas Mags," Nicole laughed putting away her potions textbook.

"Stop studying we have to get dressed!"

"The dance isn't until nightfall."

"So? Classes were canceled for a reason. Come on. UP!"

"Good lord Mags. I'm getting up."

Magnolia giggled while pulling her friend off her bed and started to usher her over to her vanity. Nicole took the hint and began taming her curls while Magnolia hurried back over to her own desk to style her hair.

"What do you plan on doing with your hair, Niki?" Magnolia inquired.

"I am gonna attempt an up-do. Which reminds me do you still have those little hair pins I could u-" Nicole almost finished her question before a frazzled Hermione busted through the door.

'Nicole! Thank goodness. Professor McGonagall sent me down an empty hallway and just told me to think about how much I needed your help," Hermione rambled on, pulling up a stool in front of Nicole, "Where are we exactly might I ask?"

"This is the Room of Requirement. McGonagall gave us the same wacky instruction, too," Magnolia joked, finally looking up from her mirror, "MERLIN'S BEARD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR!"

"I know. That is why I came to find you. Please help," Hermione pleaded to Nicole.

"Okay, breathe. Let me get some mousse. What did you want to do to your hair?" Nicole asked trying to hold back a laugh.

"Like a nice simple ponytail, but with a little extra volume at the top."

"You got volume alright," Magnolia laughed before being shot with Hermione's icy glare, "Sorry. Sorry. That was a bit far. I'll get back to it over here."

Nicole paused her own hair and turned to Hermione with a can of mouse and a lot of bobby pins.

"You sure you can fix this?" Hermione said wearily.

"I'll make you the prettiest girl a ball," Nicole responded warmly.

Nicole managed to wrangle Hermione's hair up into her dream up-do all the while Magnolia finished up her makeup. Nicole finally had a chance to start on her own appearance when Hermione and Magnolia started chatting.

"You look stunning Hermione," Magnolia complemented, "Is that dress Periwinkle? I love that color, such a fun name."

"I believe it is." Hermione laughed, "I love your dress too. The stars make you look absolutely magical."

"Do you think Oliver will like it? You are in his house right?"

"Well I don't know him too well, but he would be a fool not to be blown away."

"That reminds me. You never told us. Who's your date?!"

"Oh, it's Victor Krum."

The Durmstrag champion. NICE JOB MIONE! Sorry, can I call you Mione?"

"Well without you two I would look like a clown at the ball, so I don't see why not."

"Aww well, you can call me Mags or Maggie whichever one you prefer."

"Maggie sounds perfect! What about you Nicole have any nickname."

"Niki is fine with me," Nicole said finally joining in on the two's conversation.

"Ooo Niki you have to tell Hermione who you are going with!" Magnolia chirped.

"Yea, Niki. What lucky wizard asked you to be their date."

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