Chapter 2

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As the first rays of the morning sun streamed through the window, he slowly opened his eyes, blinking away the remnants of a dream that felt so achingly real. For a moment, he lay there, disoriented, as the memories of the night before flooded back to him.

But as he reached out to touch her, to pull her close and lose himself in the warmth of her embrace, he felt nothing but an empty space beside him. Confusion turned to realization, and a sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach.

With a heavy heart, he sat up, the harsh reality of his situation crashing down on him like a tidal wave. It had all been a dream, a fleeting moment of ecstasy that now felt like a cruel taunt from fate.

As he glanced around the room, his eyes fell on her, lying on the cold, hard floor, her form huddled under a thin blanket. Guilt washed over him like a wave, as he remembered the harsh words, the cruel actions that had led to her exile from their shared bed.

With a heavy heart, he rose from the bed, his steps heavy with regret, as he made his way to her side. Gently, he knelt beside her, his heart breaking at the sight of her sleeping form, so vulnerable and alone.

And as he reached out to brush a strand of hair from her face, a tumult of emotions churned within him, threatening to consume him whole. The soft rise and fall of her chest, the peaceful expression on her face-it all served as a painful reminder of what they once had, and what had been lost.

But as he gazed upon her, his mind was plagued by thoughts of betrayal, of deceit. How could she have done this to him? How could she have forsaken their vows, their love, for another man?

Anger burned within him like a wildfire, searing his soul with its intensity. He felt a deep hatred coursing through his veins, a hatred for her, for the man who had stolen her away from him, for the world that had allowed such treachery to exist.

In that moment, he wanted nothing more than to shake her awake, to confront her, to demand answers for her betrayal. But he knew that it would only lead to more pain, more heartache.

And so, he stood up in silence, his heart heavy with resentment, his mind consumed by thoughts of vengeance. For in that moment, he realized that he could never forgive her, that the love they once shared had been irreparably tainted by her betrayal.

With a heavy sigh, he turned away from her sleeping form, his heart filled with bitterness and regret. And as he walked away, he knew that their marriage was a sham, and there was no going back from the depths of betrayal and hatred that now lay between them.

Under the steady stream of the shower, he let the memories wash over him like a bittersweet symphony, each drop of water a poignant reminder of what once was. And as he closed his eyes, he found himself transported back to that fateful day, to the football court where it all began.

He could still see her there, standing on the sidelines, cheering for the opposing team with a passion that ignited something deep within him. It didn't matter that he was losing, that he was missing goals left and right-all that mattered was the sight of her, the way she moved, the way she laughed.

She looked so carefree, so beautiful, like an angel descended from heaven itself. And as he watched her, he felt something stir inside him, something he had never felt before. He knew in that moment that he had fallen for her, completely and irrevocably.

Her laughter echoed in his ears, so infectious, so full of life. It was as if she had cast a spell over him, weaving her magic with every sound, every smile. And try as he might, he couldn't tear his eyes away from her, couldn't shake the feeling that she had become a part of him, forever etched into his heart.

As he stood there in the shower, lost in the memories of that day, he couldn't help but wonder where it had all gone wrong. How had they gone from that moment of pure, unbridled joy to this? But deep down, he knew the answer-it was love, in all its messy, unpredictable glory. He sighed turning off the shower.

Stepping out of the bathroom, his senses still tingling from the rush of hot water, he was met with the sight of her standing there, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, shivering in the cold. For a moment, he almost felt a pang of sympathy, but then the memory of her betrayal flashed before his eyes, hardening his resolve.

"Where's my breakfast?" he demanded, his voice clipped and cold.

She flinched at his tone, but quickly composed herself, nodding silently as she moved to prepare his meal.

He watched her with narrowed eyes, his jaw clenched in barely contained anger. "I expect it to be ready on time," he said sharply, his words like daggers.

Her response was a meek, "Yes."

"And don't forget, I don't like my breakfast being late," he added, his voice dripping with disdain.

Again, she nodded, her eyes downcast, as if she couldn't bear to meet his gaze.

He couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction at her submission. After all, if she wanted him to continue sponsoring her mother's medical expenses, she needed to learn her place.

With one final, cutting remark, he reminded her, "You should focus on my wellbeing if you want to ensure your mother's lifespan."

And with that, he left to dress up for work, leaving her to tend to his needs, a bitter reminder of the power he held over her.

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