Chapter 19: "Where have you been"

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When y/n turned around she was more than surprised to see both Clark and Bruce in her apartment.

"Y/N WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Bruce shouted as he sprinted towards her. He began doing his "post combat check", which included ensuring y/n wasn't injured. He lifted up her arm to check for marks and continued what y/n knew to be a lecture.
"Do you have any idea how long you were gone for? I've been looking everywhere"
Clark made a noticable coughing sound to ensure Bruce knew he was there too.
"Clark was frantic you know" he added continuing his checks.
"It's bad enough that I had to now go and find you, but also having to deal with the emotional alien is just too much y/n".

After his checks y/n brushed him off and had both men sit down on her couch.
"We need to talk" she said sitting down across from them.

"What's going on y/n?" Clark asked. He was concerned...very concerned. He wanted to protect her but with everything happening with Maxolo and Lois, he wasn't too sure he could.

"You guys aren't gonna like this, but Maxolo-"
She got cut off.

"I knew that green bean menace was the cause of your disappearance" Bruce said.

"Green bean menace?" Y/n asked.

"I've been hanging out with Dick too much" Bruce added, definitely not wanting to talk about it.

"What's going on y/n?" Clark asked, his hands moving nervously in his lap.

"Max has explained his plan and goals to me and frankly neither one of you are gonna like it. Firstly I learned he is Mxyzptlk's cousin-"

"Makes sense" the two men added as they nodded in agreement.

Y/n smirked before continuing her information drop.

"He has decided some long time ago that he wants to marry me---AH AH please save all questions till the end"
Y/n knew they would cut her off and start asking all the questions she was going to answer.

"Listen...he wants Clark to agree to a contest, more or less, and if Clark wins, then Max will leave Earth and not return. It seems like Max has only learned about me recently, but he's been studying Earth and each of us for a long time now".

"Why did he do what he did to Lois" Clark asked. His tone seemed almost like he was nervous, anxious?

"He did it to prove a point and basically speed things along".

"But what did he try to prove?" Bruce asked, taking notes. Y/n wasn't too sure when he got the note pad out, but she wasn't surprised. He needed to learn everything about Maxolo.

"He wanted to prove Clark's feelings for me. He wants to win me fair and square, at least that's what he said".

The blue/red pantied superhero's face was flushed almost as red as his suit. He had been struggling with his feelings for the two women for quite some time.

Lois was his rock in metropolis and one of his first true romances.
Y/n was a light in his life he didn't think he deserved, especially with his past feelings for Lois.
A part of Clark always thought that it would be him and Lois and Y/N and Bruce (or the joker if he had his way😏).
[a/n-i can elaborate in comments if want]

Clark was as bad at expressing his romancal emotions as Bruce is at sharing his everyday feelings, something y/n was trying to improve for the both of them.

Until recently y/n didn't even consider the fact that the super farm boy would even consider her over Lois, given their history.

So much was happening for everyone and at such a fast pace, no one really knew what was going on anymore.
One thing was certain however, Maxolo wasn't going to just disappear.

Y/n couldn't say with certainty that Maxy Pady's feelings for her were genuine or if this was just some sick fun game for him to play. All she knew was that the only way to reverse his magic and save Lois, was to get Clark to participate in this challenge.

"I'm starting to feel a general distaste of super-beings/villains in green...this colour seems to only bring back luck" Bruce said, almost sounding defeated in a sense.

"Don't let the GLs hear that... actually nevermind, maybe it'll check their egos" she snickered, the Bat agreeing with a nod.

"I'll do it" Clark said now standing. He looked at her and again with more confidence in his voice said "I'll fight this galactic pain in the ass".

"Great!" She said with enthusiasm. Both men looked at her with some mild concern over how happy she sounded.
"Oh I'm not excited over this whole fight thing...just maybe getting rid of the green menace part. I'll contact Max and get this sorted".

Just as she finished her sentence, she found heralef being surrounded by green smoke.
'here we go again' y/n thought to herself.

Time to see the green meanie.


I hope you like the chapter!
And I hope it's making sense. Writing chapters for a story, you don't remember all the info for can be a little tricky 😂

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