"I did tell you. And do you remember what you said? Because I do. I've never forgotten. You said that I was still a fucking Death Eater, that you didn't want anything to do with me, and that you'd only me because I was easy. You said if I wanted help I should have taken it when Dumbledore offered."

Harry shook his head.

"No, no, Malfoy, that... I overheard you and Pansy... she said that you should date me to improve your social standing...I was angry... oh, God...!"

"You really didn't know?" Malfoy's voice changed. It sounded rather choked. Harry shook hisnhead violently.

"I swear I didn't. I would never have let her go," said Harry. He kept thinking of Cassie's eyes. He thought he was the only person living with his mother's eyes. He thought he was the last of his family. And after he'd realised he was gay, he'd accepted the fact that he wouldn't have kids.
"Her middle name is Lily," he said, realising.

Malfoy nodded.

"I wanted her to have some connection to you, even if..."

"Thank you," said Harry. His throat felt dry.

Malfoy's shoulder's jerked, but he didn't reply.

"I didn't know wizards could get pregnant," said Harry.

"It's rare. Only happens under a special set of circumstances. And if the wizard's blood is really fucking pure."

"I had no idea."

Malfoy lay down on his wire cot. Harry wanted to sit beside him, but he didn't know Malfoy anymore. He'd never known him, really.

"So, you want her after all." said Malfoy. "And I'm in prison."

"It's a holding cell," said Harry, vaguely.

"Convenient time for you to sweep her away and take full custody."

"Ten seconds ago you thought I hated her because she was related to Death Eaters, now you think I'm trying to steal her from you?"

Malfoy turned to face the wall.

"Malfoy," said Harry, gently, and he realised that he had never spoken gently to Malfoy before. Malfoy had been soft with him, sometimes, after sex, but Harry never had. "Malfoy, I'm not going to take her away from you. But I do want to be involved. I want to get to know her."

"She's a menace," said Malfoy, brokenly. "A total nightmare." He paused. "She's like you."

Harry hesitantly perched on the edge of the cot.

"That's funny," he said. "She reminded me so much of you." Clever and beautiful, he didn't add.

"Ha, ha," said Malfoy weakly. He sat up. "Right. Well, this is good, this is very good. Absolutely splendid. I'm in prison-"

"It's a holding cell."

"-yes, quite, and you're a beloved national treasure, so it's no contest, really, You can distract Cass from any anxieties this whole affair might cause her. Marvellous. I'm afraid you're going to become extremely familiar with the Imperial War Museum. I've tried to get her interested in less militaristic pursuits, but it's a no go."

"Maybe I should wait until you're free to spend time with her," said Harry, because Malfoy couldn't seem to look at him. "Would that make you feel better about it?"

"Yes, but it's what would make her feel better that counts, isn't it? Anyway, I haven't got your charming optimism re: escaping the clutches of the law. I rather think this may be it for Draco Malfoy as a free man. They didn't get me last time thanks, by the way but they won't let me slither free now,"

Cassiopeia Lily Malfoy (Harry X Draco)Where stories live. Discover now