Chapter 11

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When he arrived at Grimmauld Place, Cassie sat at the kitchen table, bleary-eyed, as Kreacher made her a cup of hot chocolate.

"...because, you gnarly-toothed old bint, blood purism is ideologically unsound!" came Draco's voice from the other room.

Disgusting blood traitor! A pureblood Malfoy, denigrating his house to such an odious degree!"

"You're dead! You're fucking dead!"

"Repugnant weakening of the line!"

"I'll bloody knife you in the face, you wanky bit of paint!" Harry pushed past him and closed the curtains over Walburga Black.

"All right, Draco?"

"Fucking Aunt Walburga," muttered Draco.

"Cassie can hear you, you know."

"Cassie, cover your fucking ears," called Draco.

"Ohhkay, let's get you a glass of water," said Harry, gently guiding Draco back into the kitchen. Draco fell into a chair next to Cassie,

"Blood purity's bollocks," he told her.

"I'm tired," she said.

"Poor darling," said Draco, his voice so thick with affection that Harry could hardly stand it. "Let's get you tucked up in bed." He turned to Harry. "Where's her room?"

"First door on the left, second floor."

"Bon, allons-y, ma cherie," said Draco, getting to his feet.

"I can put her to bed, if you like?"

"Qu'est-ce-que tu veux, ma petite?" asked Draco.

"You,"said Cassie.

"The Monster has spoken. I'll be back before long."

He and Cassie left the kitchen.

"You're drunk," he heard Cassie say.

"Who taught you that word? I shall have them shot in the morning."

Cassie laughed, and then Harry couldn't hear them anymore. Excitement churned in his stomach. This was his life now. Cassie and Draco bickering like an old married couple, and people in the house again.

He was trying not to think about Draco's drunken confession in the marquis. Plenty of people were drunks. It didn't necessarily mean anything. Harry wasn't sure whether he was reassuring himself or trying to manage expectations.

Fifteen minutes later, there came a loud series of clatters in the stairwell that re-awoke Walburga.

"Disgusting traitor to the family! Shame!"

"Oh, fuck off, you absolute cun-"

"Draco!" interrupted Harry. turned away from Walburga. His scowl was replaced by a dazzling smile.

"Harry!" he said, as if Harry was his very best friend. Harry turned quickly away to drag the curtains over Walburga's portrait.

"Come on," he said, "I'll take you to your room."

Draco followed him up the stairs.

"Cassie's bedroom," he began.

"Did she like it?"

"She... yes."

"Blaise has been helping me with everything."


Harry stopped at the tone in Draco's voice. They were on the landing outside Draco's room now. Draco licked his lips, looking nervous.

"She loved it," he said. "It's beautiful. It's everything I wanted her to have."

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