Lila's Christmas Story Pt 2

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Part 2 of Lila's Christmas Storyyyyyy

Nooroo is guiding Lila through the present troubles to help her see the damage that was caused in an attempt to change her fate. And if Nooroo can't, there's still one more kwamii that can help

I liked the idea of the kwamiis being like the ghosts because they can observe and can't directly interfere, but they can help guide you to the right answer. Or something like that.

Nooroo flapped his wings as the scene melted back into school earlier that day. Lila and her posse were talking while Marinette was with her friends. Marinette looked tired, worn down, and appeared that she would collapse at any second.

Lila was talking with Alya when they noticed her. Alya growled, showing her distaste. "I can't believe I used to be friends with someone like her!" Lila pretended to be confused to get more information.

"How so? From what I've heard she was a sweetheart before I showed up."

"She must have been doing it for attention, so she would have everyone on her side in the long run. There are many cases and reports of people doing this kind of thing, and they eventually get caught. Good thing we've already caught her, we just have to get her to listen." Alya typed away at her phone. "I do wish she would come to her senses sooner, I have to babysit my sisters because she refuses to."

"Oh, I could watch them!" Rose pointed out. "I don't mind spending time with your younger sisters, Alya!"

"Thanks Rose, but you would not last with those two. They are twins and will absolutely destroy you if they get the chance. You can't even keep them still in one spot for longer than ten minutes. Somehow though, Marinette did." Alya went silent, probably remembering how much fun they had together before everything turned sour. Lila put a hand on her shoulder.

"People change, Alya. Not everyone is going to stay the same person they once were." Alya nodded as the bell rang. As the girls walked off, the scene changed again. While the view morphed, Nooroo spoke.

"Why do you lie about people? It's not the smartest thing to do, especially since your lies are so big." Lila glared at the kwamii, but said nothing. She didn't even know why she lied.

Fluff showed her the past and when she started lying, which made her feel powerful. That she wasn't the little girl with separated parents and only had one friend.

Whatever happened to Angela anyways?

The scene in front of them was a few minutes before the dreaded moment. Lila was making faces in the bathroom mirror, preparing for her lie. She looked satisfied as she perfected it and walked out to tell Alya. 

Moments later Alya was yelling at Marinette. Marinette left and the bystanders were shocked at what happened. They gave the girls a stink eye and continued with their business. Lila was secretly assuring herself everything would be fine.

Lila's stomach dropped as the scene changed again. This time, they were in the hospital where Marinette lay in her coma. Her parents were crying, Luka was silent as he held Marinette's hand, and everyone else was making their own conversation. Nino was currently creating a playlist for Marinette to listen to when she gets stressed. Chloe was knitting a blanket, a stress relief strategy she found relaxing. Kagami was talking to Marc and Nathaniel about their comic, and Ivan and Mylene walked out to pick up some flowers.

A doctor and nurse came in to check on Marinette and the group when a machine started beeping. The machine monitoring Marinette's heartbeat started slowing down. Doctors rushed around, guiding guests out of the room as they tried to revive Marinette. Everyone was crying outside while they heard the commotion inside the room. Lila reached out to Marinette, but her hand went right through her as the scene vanished. Lila turned to Nooroo, who looked pale and worried.

"What happened to her? Did she die?!" Lila asked. Nooroo shook their head, still being paler by the moment.

"I'm sorry Miss Rossi, but I'm afraid our time is up. My master is looking for me, and I cannot keep him waiting."

"W-wait!" But Lila was falling again. Sooner than she would have liked, Lila woke up on the floor of her room aching from the sudden pain in her body. She suddenly heard a cackle as a cat sat on her window balcony. The cat entered the window, turning into a black cat kwamii. Green eyes pierced into her as the being smiled.

"Well, well, well, it's Lila Rossi in the flesh!" The kwamii beamed. "This is going to be fun!"

I feel like Plagg's would be the most chaotic lmao

IK its kind of shorter but you can excuse it as being rushed cuz Nooroo had to go

Also cuz I don't follow logic, pretend they were able to make a spell that Nooroo could be untethered to Gabriel for a short while💀😅

See u guys in part 3

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