World Burn (Song Request)

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Song suggestion from eevee_potter1 from Mean Girls. 

Marinette is done with the trio and is mad. She gets akumatized and wants to destroy their lives for harming others with their toxic ways.

The next day was absolutely horrible.

Not only did Lila and Alya post a video badmouthing Marinette, but the moment she walked into school she was met with a slap from Alya.

"That was for Adrien, you bitch. You should be grateful he ever gave you a chance! If it was up to us, we would have never accepted you." She had said. Lila was watching in the background, smirking.

"I let you sit at our table and you decided to go against us. You brought this on yourself." The girls left, leaving a bunch of rumoring teenagers behind. What a way to start the morning.

Chloe started sharpening her nails in case anything happened. On top of that she was wearing very pointy heels and Marinette had a feeling that they weren't just for walking.

Many people who were on Marinette's side didn't talk to her anymore. It wasn't because they lost trust in her, it was because they were scared of what Lila would do. Her mother apparently worked for an Italian embassy, and they didn't want to risk getting someone so high and mighty mad at them. Lila could also convince Adrien to tell his dad nasty things and take them down that way. Either way, it did the trick.

The good ones in Bustier's class still talked to her on text, since Lila would openly harass them in the middle of class if she found out they were still in contact. Juleka, Nathaniel, and Mylene constantly kept Marinette up to date on Lila and Alya's plans. 

The perks of them being quiet is that they make the perfect spies. And according to Nathaniel, Chloe nearly hit Alya with her shoe. 

The girls were badmouthing Marinette again, and their teacher showed no sign of stopping it. So Chloe took it upon herself to shut their mouths. It's not Chloe's fault that she knows how to shut someone up better than the adult in the room!

And of course when you defend a friend, the teacher decides to do her job and protects the wrong student. Chloe got sent to the Principal's office and never came back. It was later discovered that she was originally suspended, but Chloe weaseled her way out of it by threatening to call her dad on the principal because he doesn't know how to do his job properly. He got quiet and let her leave. That's when an idea popped up in her mind.

Chloe gathered the group at the park and told them the plan. Chloe would call her dad and convince the school board to open an investigation. They would soon look into the bullying situations, which would lead to Lila, which leads to interviews, and soon would lead to Lila's mother being contacted. That was the major goal here, to let Miss Rossi know about all the shit Lila has done under her nose. The moment it is revealed, it's over.

The group agreed to the plan, but the major downside was that they didn't know how long it would be until everything was ready. That means Marinette remained a target for an unknown amount of time. 

"I'll be fine," She had said to the group's concerned faces. "It shouldn't be too long, right? Chloe's dad is the mayor so they can rush people as much as they can. I think I'll be alright."

It turned out, in fact, to not be alright. Not even a week after that meeting Marinette's patience was seriously tested. 

Lila told some extravagant lie that Marinette followed her home and beat her up, which caused Alya to find her later and attack her. Then after she left Marinette bleeding and in pain on the floor, Adrien appeared. She asked him for help, which he did, but he started asking why she decided to be Lila's enemy in the first place. He went on about how this all could have been avoided if she just played along. Marinette stayed quiet until they reached the nurse's office. Adrien held the door but she stopped him from following. "I think I'll be fine from this moment on."

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