Case A: Evil Jaune (RWBY)

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Alright we back at it, today I will be talking about a story line that is simply done incredibly bad and are usually garbage.


Case A: Evil Jaune (RWBY)

Alright so this story archetype is  where writers make Jaune a totally unrecognizable asshole who is litterly just evil for the sake of evil. One of my main gripes with this story is that Jaunes personality does a complete 180, he goes from being normal Ole goofball jaune into a psychopath who gives zero shits for litterly anyone and anything, this usually happens in betrayed stories or cheated on stories. On the last chapter I didn't really explain why I disliked jaine betrayed stories.

Mainly because of this point I'm bringing up now, a complete 180 in his character, writers that do this type of story usually use a timeskip and do littelry no explanation on how jaune ended up this way, and usually it's not even more than two years, it's mostly just a few months later at best. You expect me to belive that jaune turned from how he is regularly into a mass murdering and manipulative psycho, in a few months?

What makes it worse is that writers frame the time skip as a simple training arc so if in that small time all he did was train and train what did he experience to turn him into such a psycho? Give him some experience, give him a motive other than "oh I got betrayed by me team and friends" I get that, that is a horrible thing to happen, but bad enough to fully change the fundamentals of his character and personality? I doubt it.

Instead of a lazy ass timeskip show his descent into a villain show the things that happen to him to turn him into such an evil jackass. As we have seen in the series Jaune can become a jaded synical person set on revenge but that is after bassicaly his entire world is shut down and tossed onto its head with little to no warning.

And would it really be reaching to assume that jaune wouldn't expect to be expelled from beacon? He likely knew that it was a possibility and as unlikely as it was, that his friends would not really like that.

Thus somewhat preparing him for such a shitty scenario. Another thing about the story, it is completely out of character for litterly anyone in team RWBY and JNPR with the exception of wiess to have a problem with him sneaking his way in.

Sure they might be slightly disappointed, but taking into consideration that one is a litteral former terrorist and another destroying an entire fucking nightclub because she didn't get what she wanted, I'd like to belive that they wouldn't really give two shits.

Also if wiess is able to forgive Blake for being in the white fang I find it hard to belive that she wouldn't be able to forgive Jaune in time. The more I think on it the another person I'd see having trouble with the concept is maybe ruby. BIG ON THE MAYBE.

Due to her large perception of the whole Black and White world view, I could see her being really disappointed with jaune, but considering how good of a friend he is I see her getting over it, or advancing her perception and better character development.

Also the whole ozpin argument of the fact that it is such a travesty that jaune snuck in and it being such a great crime that he would have to be expelled immediately is incredibly stupid. You mean to tell me that Ozpin is able to cover up Team RWBY's shenanigans and Yangs club destroying tendencies but not a simple transcript? Of which he himself is likely easily able to alter and change or outright just give him a legitimate one? Yeah I call bs.


Tis a short one today, but I forgot to explain why I didn't like this type of story in the last chapter, so here this is.

But anyways dank is out dis bitch.

But anyways dank is out dis bitch

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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