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His voice sent chills through me. My internal battle to turn and face him or run were quickly put to end with him turning me to face him. Hoping I didn't look like a complete fool with tangled hair and half gone makeup. He opened his mouth to talk again but I surprised both of us by cutting him off.

"Why did you run out of class the other day?" Maybe it was the alcohol in me because I wouldn't have this kind of confidence sober. It seemed my question caught him off guard too by the look on his face. He paused for a second to think before his classic smirk came crawling back on his face.

"Because you're an enigma Alison." his words slow and dripping with something more behind them. With saying that his eye dropped into a wink and he turned leaving the dance floor. My eyes following him for as long as possible.

Sunlight poured into my dorm window hitting my eyes waking me. For a second I had no clue how I got here and what happened before the memories came flooding in. I remember going to a Sigma Chi with Niki and then having her run off, and then dancing on Luke and then our weird conversation. As much as I want him to want me I'm not a complete dumb college girl that thinks every guy that talks to her wants a long term relationship with her. And Luke being no exception is the star quarterback and probably has a list of girls lined up at all times. And I'm just not like that.

I rolled over on my small bed and was met with the face of my roommate on the opposite side of the room. Although I hadn't technically spent much time with Ashley she seemed more than nice each time we talked. She smiled at me working up the energy to talk to me.

"Good morning how was last night?" She half laughed.

"Ugh I never want to go to a Frat again in my life" I groaned.

"Hahah maybe we can go and get some coffee in a bit and maybe hit the library to wear off that hangover?" She suggested sweetly.

"Yes please" I replied thankful  that I had roommate that was genuinely nice.

After a quick shower, blow drying my thick hair then putting it into a top knot bun, putting on my vintage looking UCLA crew neck and some leggings, and a few swabs of mascara me and Ashley were both ready to leave.

We made small talk on the way to the starbucks a few blocks from where our dorm was. Taking note at how nice Ashley really was. The line in the store wasn't too long, but not short enough where I was still trying to decide what to order when I got to the counter. I ordered a half mocha half white mocha with a shot of raspberry and Ashley got a caramel latte. Once we got our drinks we decided to walk over to library instead of studying inside the starbucks that was a tad too loud to get work done.

When we made it to the library we made a good attempt to completely finish all of our homework from the first week of classes without talking before we got distracted. Ashley was first to break the silence.

"So there's this guy in my art history class" She starts.

I cut her off before she barley finished her sentence, "Tell me!! Tell me!!".

She chuckled before continuing, "His name is Michael and he's kind of different" the slight smile tugging at the corners of her mouth made me smile thinking about how cute her crush was and how similar I felt about another boy. "He has crazy coloured hair and these wild green eyes, but theres just one thing, I feel like its not going to end well for me. I just feel like all every guy wants here is a quick hook up  and nothing more. I don't know, I just don't want to be that girl but something about him." she shook her head at the end.

I sighed before starting, "I know exactly what you're saying" I said slightly rubbing the back of my neck. "There's a guy that annoys the shit out of me but I just cant help finding myself wanting to be around him every time I'm not. He confuses me in every way and no guy back home was ever like that. I dated here and there back home but nothing too complicated. And I don't know much about him but I can just tell he's a player and as much as I would love to play his game, I don't want to get burned." Talking about him annoyed me, knowing that he had consumed most of my thoughts lately. Before Ashley could respond I started again, "And he acts so weird", I was starting to get annoyed now, "He is either an asshole or is sweet but then is mysterious and then is closed off, just ugh, what did I do to deserve this". I put my head down on the table we were both sitting at.

"It sounds like your guy could be best friends with mine" Ashley laughed. At this I lifted my head and laughed with her.

Hearing voices behind us, I turned my head at the noise. Once I saw who it was I instantly turned my head back so the voices wouldn't notice me. Ashley caught onto my body language and asked in a hushed tone what was happening.

"Don't look now but my guy is the one with blonde hair headed this way." I said in a rushed whisper.

"Oh. My. God. They actually are best friends. You've got to be kidding me." She whisper laughed almost in shock.

Before I could respond I felt a hand on the back of my chair. Tensing again hoping not to make a fool of myself.

"Well look who we have here" He started. "If it isn't Miss Cheerleader agian, great to see you doll." He voice was liquor.

"Don't know if I can say the same Hemmings". I said surprising myself that there was no waiver in my voice. Glancing at Ashley and seeing that her and Michael were caught up  in their own conversation to realize what Luke and I were saying. It was cute watching them, Michael looked at her with such fascination it was chilling.

"Well it sure did seem you were enjoying yourself dancing last night." He smirked at me drawing me from my thoughts.

"I don't remember anything from last night. Sorry." I lied flatly hoping he wouldn't see through it.

"No you do." He replied, frustration obvious on his face. He must not be used to getting denied so easily, I internally rolled my eyes at this.

"And how are you so sure of yourself. Maybe I remember, maybe I don't. Maybe I enjoyed myself, maybe I didn't. You'll never truly know now will you?" I asked waiting for his response looking him dead in the face.

He waited a moment before replying, "Go out with me."


hahahhahah I should be making my grad party decorations rn


xx jo.

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