For once? Really?

Start from the beginning

"Hi, Juniper!" I waved, maintaining a cheery tone. "Where's Grover?"

"At my place, wanna see?" She smiled and opened her door to her tree.

"Of course. Hey, G-man? You there?" I stepped inside.

"Hey, Agnos! What's up?" He grinned as he held up his reed pipes.

"Nothing much. I'm kinda bored." I plopped down on a seat and tapped my fingers. "How's it being the Lord of the Wild?" His eyes immediately lit up and he started to ramble about how nice it was in certain places and then proceeding to go on about the pollution in the world. I laughed. It was fun when I was young, careless, just wanting to know who my godly parent was instead of saving the world every other day.

"Hey, Agnostos?" Juniper called from the entrance. "You have a few visitors."

"Coming!" I stood up and saw the Chaos commanders. Oh, shoot.

"Agnostos, where were you in the last twenty minutes?" Luke tapped his finger frustratingly on his arm.

"Right here, hanging out with my man Grover. He and Juniper are so cute together, I ship them so badl—"

"We're not talking about how cute their ship is. We're talking about the matter with you—" He started, but I cut him off."

"Did you interrupt me in the middle of a ship rant?" I mockingly took out Sicarius. "That cannot be forgiven!" Anyone get the reference?

"Put the sword down." Luke's voice was deadly calm. 

"Jeez, dude, I was joking. What happened to humor in the Chaos army? It's like all the jokes went to Tartarus." Luke crossed his arms.

"We know what happened in the tent." Silena said from behind him. 

"In the...tent?" I acted innocent, because honestly, I didn't know that mansion thingy was a tent. Like, seriously, what the heck?! Who owns a tent that has like 8 bedrooms? Plus a living room and two bathrooms with working plumbing. Like, dude. That's a bit overkill.

"Yes." Beckendorf growled. "You threatened to Renard here that Kronos would kill him, and Amara said that you threatened her about her family."

"I said what now?" I tilted my head. "I was here talking about mortal pollution here with G-man."

"The mortals should really pick up their messes!" Grover bleated angrily. "It would make my job much easier." I grinned at him. Grover, like always, loved nature.

"You two seem close." Zoe remarked from behind them. "Did you guys know each other?"

"We both knew one person." Grover and I said in perfect unison.

"Who, Percy Jackson?" Luke joked. My mood darkened.

"Yes." I said, my voice dangerously low. Everyone shifted uncomfortably as tension settled over the atmosphere.

There was a long moment of silence before Luke stepped closer to me.

"You know, I will find out who you're working for, and you'll pay. You'll pay, because you're definitely not working for the gods. If you're working for Kronos, I will personally send you back to Tartarus." He whispered into my ear.

"Oh, but Luke Castellan, how do you know that?" I felt my jaw move on its own as Kronos' slithery voice spilled out of me. Luke visibly paled and shuffled away.

Very, very, bad time, Kronos.

"What? What did I say?" I looked around, staring back at the glares of horror Grover, Juniper, and the rest of the commanders had.

"Kronos is inside you?" He murmured.

"What? Is he?" I looked down. "Uh, even though I don't own any mirrors, I'm pretty sure that my eyes aren't gold." I pointed at my face. "Don't think you'll see it any chance, though. How do you even know that I have eyes?"

"...Do you?" Bianca whispered.

"Maybe. I don't even know." I shrugged. "My form is unknown, though I guess you could think I was human."

"There's no question that you work for Kronos." Max spat. I looked at him, confused.

"I thought I sent you to Thailand." I said, scanning him up and down.

"You sent me to a nearby Thai food restaurant bathroom." He grumbled.

"We found him stuck in the toilet, yelling for someone to get him out." Zoe snickered. Max rolled his eyes, blushing furiously.

"That's not the point!" He shouted. "What matters is that he is an ally for Kronos!" He pointed at me. I snorted.

"Do you want me to send you to Alaska? Heard that the gods can't get there." I smirked. He paled.

"He's trying to kill me!" He accused.

"Honestly, anyone would, so kindly get out of our way before we impale you trying to get to him." Luke growled. Max nervously stepped away from me.

"How do you know that I'm working for Kronos?" I asked. "Do you have any proof?" Luke hesitated.

"I know his voice." He said slowly. "His voice just came out of you, you know that!"

"Do I?" I asked innocently. "You don't have any proof that I work for Kronos." Luke crossed his arms. 

"You're awfully suspicious. I saw you at the tent, you literally pressed me to the wall and threatened me about Kronos having revenge on me." He hissed. 

"You do know that I found out for the gods that the ally has magic involved, right?" I raised a brow. Not wrong, really. Medea's on their side, so I wouldn't be surprised. "Illusions would be a daily basis of occurrence."

"Medea is dead, you killed her." He protested.

"Did I say it was Medea? I don't think so. It was an unknown ally, powerful enough to be the bane of Olympus." I shot back. Tartarus could certainly incinerate Olympus. He faltered.

"How do you know so much about this?" He asked.

"Because I fought in the last Titan War!" I sighed, dragging a hand down my face.

"Against or for Kronos?" Luke demanded. 

"Against." I replied automatically.

"When were you banished to Tartarus?"

"Are you interrogating me?" I asked. He frowned.


"Then why are you asking me questions like that?" I smirked. "Sounds awfully like an interrogation."

"Then you have to come with us to Chaos." Silena pursed her lips.

"I think...not." I smirked.

"No need." A disembodied voice filled Juniper's crowded cottage. "I'm already here."

A Dark Legacy (Percy Jackson betrayed fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now