Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"Well, well, well," the silvery blond, human female grinned at Dessa as she sat down on the other side of the table from her. "Look who's up and alive and not bleeding all over the table."

A stern yet feminine voice came from the doorway not a moment later, one Dessa had never heard before. "Kalla, there's no need to be rude."

Kalla turned her silvery blue eyes to the beautiful female as she walked closer. "I'm not being rude. Just stating a fact, my love."

"It's all right," Dessa said. She couldn't exactly say she was used to Kalla teasing her, so she just gave her a small smile. "I have others in my family who would say the same thing."

She couldn't take her eyes off the new female, knowing exactly who she was just by Kalla's descriptions of her alone. Beautiful dark skin, tightly curled hair that haloed around her head, dressed in a flowing shift dress that didn't hide her thin frame. Kalla's wife who, by Dessa's calculations, had about two years left in her life.

"Well, I'm certainly glad you're doing much better than when we saw you yesterday," Faraine smiled at her, reaching forward to squeeze her hand for a second before taking her seat.

It was strange, being there at a table with her family who didn't actually know she was their family, other than Corliss. She had to constantly remind herself in those following moments that this wasn't who she left behind in her own time. They were completely different, their lives set to change in the following two years.

Kalla, who would lose her freedom and her wife.

Faraine, who would lose her life.

Allel, who would be bound to someone she loved like a sister.

Mik, who would fall into darkness and almost lose his magic, had it not been for his last minute sacrifice.

Meron, who would give everything for his mate and the mother of his children.

And Corliss...who would be the catalyst in it all.

A hand slowly twined around Dessa's, which had her looking over at Destan. He was watching her carefully, just as he had all through the night. He refused to sleep anywhere other than in a chair beside her bed, wanting to make sure she was safe through the night. Though Dessa acted slightly annoyed at this, she was grateful for his company, especially after she fell asleep and her dreams quickly turned to nightmares of darkness, dying worlds, and horrifying screams that echoed off shattered glass towers.

More than once, she'd woken up with him whispering words of comfort, brushing her sweat-soaked hair back from her forehead. When Dessa first saw him in the dimly lit room, she thought he was her father, but his short hair and cleanly shaved face told her otherwise. Still, she held onto his hand tight as she calmed her racing heart, wishing she had another male to stay with her, hold her tight, and wrap himself around her under the covers.

Soon, she kept whispering to herself in her head. Soon, Elys and the others will be here.

But for now, she had to get through a morning breakfast with her family who didn't know they were her family. To the ones she knew of as immortal and yet here they were, sitting in front of her in their human forms, save for Mik.

While the other guests of the inn enjoyed breakfast inside, they had their own setup outside on the back patio. With the storm the day before, the air had a slight chill to it. Coupled with the shade, Dessa shivered, rubbing her hand along her arm before leaning forward to grab her tea cup.

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