Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Dessa's hands smoothed over the soft tunic and pants Corliss had laid on the counter of the bathing room while she was showering. She'd heard the door open quietly before the quiet padding of footsteps crossing the marble floor, leaving not only the clothing, but a few additional toiletries as well.

She took her time after wrapping herself in a fluffy towel, not bothering with magic to dry her body or hair, but rather stood in front of the mirror and stared at herself. Though her magic was back to its normal levels, she could still see the black and blue bruises along her shoulder and arm beginning to fade and the silvery scar along her ribs where the glass shard had imbedded itself. Dark magic had made it and there was no getting rid of the reminder.

Dessa's breath stuttered fingertips softly brushing along it. Her first scar, others having been vanished by her mother.

But her new scar only reminded her of someone else she wanted desperately with her now, someone who she could still barely feel, someone who she knew was going to try and get to her as fast as he could.

Dessa dressed quickly, throwing her towel in the laundry basket in the corner, and secured her drying curls in a braid over her shoulder. Voices drew her to the bathing room door before she opened it. Only two, but two she knew.

Destan...and Corliss.

Gods above, it was still strange to know where and when she was. Even if Elys had hinted what would happen to them without giving too much detail, being there was different. And they would be there for almost two years. Two years...which meant it would be that long before she saw her family again. She would make the best of it, though, even if she knew exactly where all of this would lead.

They weren't here to change anything, but rather make sure everything was staying on course no matter how heartbroken it would leave them all.

And to figure out how to defeat Fin once and for all.

Dessa sighed and opened the bathing room door, making the hushed voices lower even more.

Destan was sitting at the foot of the bed, watching Corliss as she paced back and forth in front of him, chewing on her thumbnail. Dessa still had to do a double take and remember that this was her great aunt, not her grandmother Bridget. She could see Cleo and Adeena in her features, too, minus the hair color. She hadn't met Meron Brandt officially yet, but she was already picturing where her cousins got their blond hair.

Corliss paused as soon as Dessa reappeared, her breath rushing out as soon as she laid eyes on her. "Mother above, I'm not going to get used to this," Corliss whispered, still staring at her. She was focusing on the silver streak in her hair. "Not even an hour's passed by and yet seeing you..."

"Corliss..." Destan began in warning.

She cut him off. "I told you, Destan. I don't understand. I don't know where she came from..."

Or when, Dessa thought.

"...or why she looks exactly like Bridget and Alberich, except for..."

"The eyes," Dessa finished for her. "Because I have my father's eyes. His ears, too."

Corliss seemingly deflated, sinking down in a wingback chair she conjured from somewhere else in the inn.

Dessa looked over at Destan, who was slightly amused by the future Lady of Eld's display. "How much have you told her?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. Wanted to wait for you since I'm not sure how...thorough you were planning on being with the explanation."

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