Day 1

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When you woke up in the morning, it was early, but you couldn't go back to bed. You go outside and into the kitchen, grab a Bubbl'r from the fridge, go sit on the swings, and start replying to all your snaps. 10 minutes passed, and you saw someone walking toward the kitchen and realized it was Ace. But before you could go back to your cabin, he comes out and sits on the swings with you. "Good morning," he says in his morning voice.
"Good morning," you say, admiring him zoned out into the ground, drinking his Bubbl'r. He finally snaps out of it and asks if you were excited for today. "Not really because today we have to do the swim test," you say. "You can swim perfectly well. Why are you scared?" He said. "I know, but it's still scary." "True." After talking for a while longer, you guys go back to your cabins and get ready for the day. Later that day, you meet your 2 other cabin mates, Kat and Saydie. You have known both of them for a long time and are looking forward to having them in your cabin. You guys go down to the lake for the swim test, and you see Ace waiting for you. You try not to look at his abs so you won't blush, but you can't resist.
You immediately look away and try and make conversation with Kat, but she is staring at his abs. You go get in the water, and Ace follows you, and you guys both pass. You guys go back to your cabins and get dressed. When you go back out and find him, Kat is talking to him, and you know some things up. You walk closer so you can hear their conversation. "Soo, who are you asking to the 1st dance?" Kat said. "I want to ask y/n, but I don't think she likes me," Ace says. "You could ask me?" Kat said. "No, I only like her, and that's final. Now where is she," he says as he walks toward your cabin. You run back to your cabin, blushing hard. He finds you and you guys walk to the swings and start talking. "So the dance is today..." he started. One of his friends came over just then. "So y/n are you going to the dance with anyone?" he said. "No...why?" You say as you look at Ace. "Do you want to go to the dance with me?" You look over at Ace, and he has annoyance in his eyes. "No, thank you," you say as you start swinging. "Come on, you know you want to," he said as you gave Ace a look. "I said no," you say as he tries to stop your swing. "Come on," he says. Ace stands up. "Are you deaf? She said no." "Ok. Sorry, dude," he says as he walks away. "Thanks," you say as the bell rings for you to find your groups. "Let's go. Tell me what you were going to say later," you say as you run to sit with your friends and tell them what happened. "Girl, Ace likes you," Amelia says. "You think so?" "Yes, girl!" Saydie says. "Well, the 1st dance is tonight, so let's see if he asks you," says Amelia. "Maybe," you say. You and Ace got into the same group, and Marie was one of your leaders. You and your friends went and got ready for the dance. You decided to be comfy and wear a crop top and sweatpants. You are kind of sad Ace didn't ask you but you are going with your friends. When you got there, you didn't see Ace anywhere, but you ignored it. Halfway through the dance, you still haven't seen Ace and are getting worried. You decide that you're going to go to the bathroom and get a bathroom pass. When you walk by the boys' bathroom, you feel someone grab you and pull you into the boys' bathroom. It was Ace's friend. He grabbed your shirt and took it off along with your bra. You start crying and screaming and curl up into a ball on the floor when someone barges in. It was Ace. He knocks his friend out, and he looks away so you can get redressed, and then he makes sure you're ok. Still crying, you and him walk out together, and he brings you over to the councilors. Marie rushes over and hugs you. "What's wrong?" She said. You were still bawling and couldn't talk. All your friends come over and ask what happened. "I don't know if she wants me to tell everyone," Ace said. "Ace, can you tell me what happened?" Marie asked. "I can tell you what I saw," he replied. "Can I go change?" You finally muster out. "I'm going with. I'm not letting that happen again." Ace said as he started following you. "Ace, you have to stay here and tell us what happened." Another councilor said. "Fine. I needed to go to the bathroom." He slows. "And when I went in -" he stops and sits down on the bench with his head in his hands, trying not to cry. Just then, they hear a scream coming from your cabin, and he runs over and sees a boy pinning you up against your cabin. He pushes him to the ground, hugs you, and lets you cry into him. He gives you his hoodie to put over your crop top. The councilors come seconds after and see the guy on the ground. "This is why I didn't want to leave her alone," he says as he gestures toward the boy. Marie and a few other girl councilors take you back while the boy councilors take care of the boy. Ace tries to follow, but the councilors ask him to finish the story. They walk him over to a picnic bench, and all you can see is Ace screaming at the councilors and his head in his hands. "Can you tell us what happened now?" Marie asked while you were watching Ace. Ace looks at you with a concerned face. As you start crying again, your friends walk over. "Are you ok? What happened? Was it Ace?" That's all you heard. You started breathing heavily and got dizzy. You couldn't breathe at this point, and you could hear screaming around you. You feel someone pick you up and carry you somewhere. "Y/n what do you need," you hear someone say. "Water," you reply. "Y/n slow your breathing." You can't. You hear a slap. "Stop trying to touch her." You calm down a little.
"Y/n, I'm right here. It's ok." You relax. You fully calm down and open your eyes. You see Ace and Marie right there and all your friends 10 feet away. You just now realize what shirt Ace is wearing. A compression shirt. You blush so hard. "Sorry," you say. "It's not your fault. It's your idiot friends over there who were trying to touch you like it was a joke," Ace said while glaring at them. You and Ace finally tell the councilors what happened, but Ace tells you not to tell your friends. You guys go back to the dance and sit on one of the picnic tables."You can go dance if you want," you say to Ace.
"I'm not letting that happen again." You get tired and lay on Ace. "Hey, do you guys know if they're dating?" Amelia says to Ace's friends. "I'm wondering the same thing," he says. Hey, I'm going to go dance," you say to Ace. "Ok?" He says. "You're not going to come?" "You want me to?" He says. "Fine if you're going to be stubborn." You go dance, and Ace's friends go up to him. So, are you guys dating?" His friends ask. "I don't know," Ace said. "How do you not know?" Well, I like her, but I don't know if she likes me." Just then, your friends come over. "She likes you, dumass," Kat says. You come back over and sit by Ace. "I'm too tired." You say. He rubs your back while you lay on his shoulder. "I ship," Amelia says. "What happened at the dance?" Amelia says after Ace walked you to your cabin. "What part?" You snapped."The panic attack that you guys created? Or the TWO other things that happened that you guys didn't even care about. You guys blame everything on Ace," you say. "Y/n do you like him?" "Do I like him? Of course, I like him. Are you guys dumb?" And with that, you went to sleep.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Feb 16 ⏰

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