Before Camp

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You get out of your friend's car and grab your luggage. You find your cabin and start to unpack. You and Amelia have been going to this camp for a long time, but it still feels new and scary. "You girls have to go watch Tessa and Josie while the staff have a meeting." Amelia's mom says. You and Amelia walk over to the nurse's cabin where Tessa and Josie are.
"Hi Tessa," you say when you walk in. You find Tessa, Josie, and a guy sitting on the floor coloring. The guy looked tall and muscular, brunette, and in all honesty super hot. You look over at Amelia, and you make eye contact. She whispers, "Sorry girl, he's ugly," and she goes and sits down. You follow and go sit by the guy and Tessa. You ignore him for now and start coloring with Tessa when Amelia scribbles all over your paper. "AMELIA," you say as you get up with a Sharpie. She starts running out of the cabin, and you chase after her. You finally give up and go back to the nurse's cabin and sit on the door. "Is that how you two act all the time?" he says as he laughs. "No, only when she messes with me. Which is a lot," you say. "Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Ace," he said. "I'm y/n." You get up off the floor and go sit in by Tessa and Josie. "It's lovely to meet you, y/n." He says. Amelia comes in the door. "Y/n where is the Sharpie." You throw it to her. "Thanks, y/n." She says as she tries to draw on your leg. Ace grabs her arm and pushes her back. "Don't do that to her." "Who are you?" Amelia says. "His name is Ace, and he has a big crush on y/n," Josie says while still coloring. Ace laughs and gazes into your eyes. You guys stare into each other's eyes until Amelia disrupts. "We should go canoeing."Nooo," you say as you lay down on the floor. "I know Tessa and Josie want to," Ace says. "Fine. But only if I can splash Amelia," you say. You guys all go change, but Amelia, Tessa, and Josie get down there first and are already on the lake when you finally come down, and Ace pulls the canoe out. "I guess we're canoeing together," you say with a sigh even though you are very glad because otherwise you would have to do all the work or wouldn't be able to splash Amelia. "What, you don't like me?" He says, smiling. "No, I just hate canoeing," you say as he helps you into the canoe. "Why?" He asks. He pushes out the canoe and gets in. "I don't know it's just that you're on the water, not in the water." You guys catch up with Tessa, Josie, and Amelia and decide to race. Ace tells you to lean back and tells you, "If you don't want to canoe, we can go get the speed boat," and you are immediately in. He lets Amelia get a big headstart and rows back to shore. He helps you out, and you guys get on the speedboat. He gets you a drink, and you guys finally break the ice. "So why are you here early?" he asks. "Me and Amelia have come early every year we have been here because Amelia's mom is the nurse," you say. "Oh, so that's why you guys were in the nurse's cabin," he says while pulling up to Amelia. "What? I didn't know we could use this!" Amelia says. You and Ace get Tessa and Josie on while Amelia holds onto the boat to get it back to shore. You decide you're too warm, so you jump off the boat into the water. When you get back up, you see Ace smiling down at you, and you start swimming back. When you got back to shore, you grabbed your towel and went to take a shower while Amelia and Ace put the canoes away. "I think she jumped in so she didn't have to put the canoes away," Amelia says. "No, I told her to take Tessa and Josie and have them take a shower," Ace says. "So you know Josie and Tessa?" Amelia says. "Yeah, they're my cousins. Tessa is 5, and Josie is 3" They go up to shower. "Y/n Ace is Josie and Tessa's cousin," Amelia says as she goes into the bathroom. "I know. He told me on the boat ride," You say laughing. You guys finish showering and changing, and you decide to take a nap. Amelia goes outside to find Josie and Tessa and finds Ace with them on the swings. "Where is y/n?" he asks. "She's being lame and taking a nap," she says as she sits down. "Oh, ok." Ace says, staring off into space. "Tomorrow is the 1st dance, right?" He asks after a couple of minutes of awkward silence. "Yea. Are you going to ask y/n?" Amelia asks. "Nah. She doesn't like me. Don't tell her I said that," he says as they laugh. Just then, you come out of the cabin and see them swinging together laughing and immediately assume they like each other. You put in your airpods and refused to talk to Amelia. "Ace y/n isn't talking to me," she says. "Why?" "I don't know. Maybe you can ask?" Amelia says. "Yeah, of course. Anything for her." He says as he walks up to you. "Hey. You haven't been talking much. What's wrong." Ace says. "Go away," you say. "Y/n what's wrong."
"GO AWAY," you say, almost yelling at him. "Y/N WHAT'S WRONG," he says, taking your airpods out. "NOTHING," you say. "Y/n, you can talk to me."
"Fine," you say, looking at the ground. "Y/n, I need you to look at me."
You look at him. "Do you like Amelia?"
"God no. Nothing against her but."
"I'm sorry," you say as you start to tear up. "It's ok. It's not your fault," he says as he hugs you.
"I need to go to bed," you say as he walks you to your cabin. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight," you say as you walk into your cabin. Ace goes back to Amelia and tells her what happened. "I do NOT like you. No offense," she says. "None taken," he says, and they laugh and go back to their cabins to fall asleep.

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