I slipped on the white ruffled dress that stopped at my mid thighs, showing off my small but growing bump. I stared at the mirror holding my stomach, smiling at our little one who was already getting so big.

As I continued to admire my bump, Bo had come up behind me in nothing but a towel, wrapping his arms around me to rest is hands on my stomach.

"Look at how beautiful you are" he said sweetly, slowly swaying us back and forth.

"Oh stop it" I said shyly, blush blooming across my cheeks.

He spun me around in his arms and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you baby" he said, looking at me with nothing but admiration.

"I love you too Bobo, but unless you plan and showing up naked, you need to get dressed or we'll be late" I joked, slapping his butt over the towel.

He giggled before placing another quick peck on my cheek, rushing to grab his clothes.

I finished the small details of my jewelry and shoes, heading out to make sure we had everything we needed.

Charlise and Elisa wanted to plan everything, so we decided to have the team get together with Elisa at the Springer's house.

Just as I was about to call for Bo to get him moving, he came racing down the stairs, a goofy smile on his face as I could only smile at his childishness.

"Gosh Hal, are you ready yet?" he joked, leaning against the counter as if he had been waiting for me.

"Very funny love, let's go before Char and El blow up my phone again" I said with a laugh.

The drive to the Springer's house felt much longer than it normally did. Bo and I were buzzing with excitement, not knowing how we were going to manage to navigate the party knowing the gender of our baby was hidden somewhere in the house.

Once we pulled into the driveway we were surprised. It almost looked like no one was there yet. I wasn't too concerned considering I didn't care for a big celebration, but I was really looking forward to sharing this moment with his teammates.

I texted Elisa to let her know we had arrived as we stepped out of the car, heading up to the door.

Bo knocked, waiting for someone to open the door, only to be met with something we never expected.

As soon as the door opened, the entire team and their families were standing in the main entrance, a loud "Surprise!" being shouted throughout the house and a large string of balloons that spelt out "Baby Bichette" were hung against the back wall. The house was completely decorated in a party-type fashion and there were tables of food lining the wall.

We were in shock standing in the entrance as everyone came in to hug us one by one.

George and Char came up to us last, pulling us into tight hugs.

"I know you didn't want anything big but cmon, the first Bichette baby? That calls for a baby shower!" Char shouted excitedly.

I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed, laughing as I leaned back from the hug. She had really gone out of her way to throw me a surprise baby shower with all of our favourite people. Before I could stop them, I felt the warm tears slide down my cheeks. The room silenced slightly at my reaction, wondering if they maybe went too far knowing I didn't want a baby shower.

"I'm sorry, thank you guys so much I can't believe you did all of this for us" I said, full on sobbing now.

Everyone was still looking concerned, too afraid to speak yet as Bo rubbed my back in comfort.

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