My First Sleepover

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Tw: strong swearing, sexual references

Friday 8th June, 10:17 pm

It go so late we didn't even realise. My dad suggested we stayed the night because it was late at night so Eden called her parents to see if she could stay round. They said yes because they trust her with me. Lily slept in her bedroom and Eden and I shared my bed. We didn't mind and neither did my dad. We shared baths together when we were toddlers so it really didn't bother us.

Before we all settled down, my dad ordered takeaway for dinner. We had the burger pizza and meat feast from Domino's. Lily was playing with her dolls in her dollhouse with Eden and Alex when my mum called my phone. I was watching the football with my dad at the time. Man City was on. Best team ever, that's what got me into playing football. You probably think I'm one of those boys. Tall, built, football, popular. I'm only some of those things. Yes, I'm on the football team, yes I am very tall, yes I like to think I'm quite strong, I have a six pack so I would say I'm built.

Anyway, my mum called me and here's how it went:
Mum: *missed call*
Mum: *missed call*
Mum: *missed call*
Mum: *missed call*
Mum: I need you to come home.
Mum: Danae.
Mum: I need you to get me sweets.
Mum: And chocolate.
Mum: *missed call*
Mum: *missed call*
Mum: And I need wine.
Mum: Get home now.!
Mum: With Liliana.
Mum: I don't care if you're at your dad's
Mum: Get him to drive you home
Mum: Now.!!

I was so done with it. I even showed my dad and he rolled his eyes.

"Can't she get all that herself?" He said.

"Apparently not." I replied.

"You should probably call her back." He laughed.

"Yeah." I said frustratedly. I clicked her contact and called her back. She didn't even answer the first five tries.

My dad rolled his eyes which made me laugh.

"Honestly, glad I left that woman." He said as I laughed harder. "Try her one more time."

"Fine." I sighed as I pressed call again.

Mum: "Finally. I need you to come home, Danae."
Me: "What do you mean 'finally'? I called you like 5 times and you didn't answer."
Mum: "Oh, stop being dramatic Danae. Now come home with Liliana and go to the shop."
Me: "No. I'm not coming home tonight. I told you already, I'm staying at dad's."
Dad: "I'm keeping Dan and Lily for tonight Sarah, we have shared custody remember."
Mum: "Yeah, you have shared custody of Danae, not Liliana. I want them both home or this is kidnapping."
Dad: "It's not kidnapping if they're here willingly."

*call ended*

No idea what that meant but we stayed the whole night so I guess my mum got fed up.

"That went well." I said as I put my phone on the coffee table and continued to watch the football.

"Very." My dad replied as he took a sip of his coffee.

We both started laughing hysterically. It was really funny.

"I guess my mum's had enough." I said through breaths of laughter.

"Hey, Dan." Eden smiled as she walked over and sat on the sofa next to me. Right next to me.

"Hey, Eeds." I replied. "How you doing?"

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