Chapter 8

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It's been about 3 months since Hermione and Draco started dating, 2 months and 2 weeks since the elevator incident. And they are doing amazingly well. Though there were a few articles about the elevator and the appearance of the two, they were able to let it die down and keep their relationship hidden from the public eye.

Today, Hermione helped Dracp move into her home, as they've been sleeping together since they started dating. It was an easy decision, and it made sense. Hermione had put an extension charm on her wardrobe for him as well as buying him his own matching chest of draws, next to hers.

She ordered a new bed frame, which she did Wednesday morning as on Tuesday night, an intimate night Draco broke the bed, though neither regret it, she needed a new bed. She made sure to size up to the 3 sleeper and even emailed them to make sure it could fit a 6'4 "giant. Though it was a little bit of a hassle, she was happy. He made her happy. She decided to decorate the room again. It was once pink and white, and it was now yellow, orange, and white. It was refreshing. And it was her favourite place to wake up, the soft morning sun shining through the room, wrapped in Dracos arms, and the bed was so soft.

Surprisingly, after a day of meeting Crooks, Draco had already warmed up to him. Crooks was pleased to have another admirer and enjoyed laying on Dracos chest as they lay on the couch. It was adorable. Hermione had already printed a photo of them and hung it in a golden frame on her picture wall in the hallway. She couldn't wait to add more.

Currently, the two lovebirds were on a picnic date, Draco had surprised her with it when he turned up at her office with a basket and a bouquet. He was such a romantic, and his charm was used like a weapon. Sadly, Hermione could never resist. They were playfully bantering about what to cook for their tea.

" Draco, it is Friday, we have had takeout for 4 nights in a row, this is the 5th night in the week, I know I'm not that healthy or on a diet, but come on, we need to eat a bit of real food" she pleaded. She loves takeout, Chinese, Itallian, Indian, any fast food. But even she knew this wasn't a good idea.

"Mie, I know it's not healthy, but dont say your not, if you were unhealthy you wouldnt have such a sexy body like you do, but you have to understand, I haven't had the privilege of having any of these foods before, I just want to try everything, but if yoy want food we can make that happen" He smiled. But his puppy eyes stayed, hoping she might let this night go as she had the last 2 times.

" Draco, stop, if you keep doing this to me, I'm going to cruse your eyes shut, and we are making this happen, we are having a normal meal, baby," she stood up. He quickly shot up, grabbing her hand, and his other held the basket. "We need to go to the shop at the corner next to here, I only need to grab a few bits, I'm planning on making a pasta salad, I know you like tomato, cucumber, peppers. It will be quick and easy." She looked up and winked at him, and he just smiled, sarcastically rolling his eyes.

She slowed, and so did he. She grabbed his shoulder and stood on her tip toes. "If you help me grab the veg, give me a hand, makimg it and eat all your food, I'll make sure you get a hard earned reward," she whispered. He smirked at her. " I like the sound of that."

When they left the shop, Hermionw stopped to check what she had grabbed. She may have added a few bags of chocolates and snacks, but she was still healthy with her veg. She just needed to balance it out. Making sure she had enough in there for her pasta salad, she grabbed Dracos' hand and began walking towards their house. Their home.

Suddenly, one of the small flowers bushed began rattling, making them both stop. It was slightly dark outside. The sun had just started to set, and it was 6 o'clock. Draco walked closer, trying to see what it was. She watched, and he knelt down and reached his hands into the Bush. She quickly moved to him, as she didn't know what he was doing. And watched as he pulled out a fluffy, small kitten. Brown and white, and looked a little dirty.

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