Chapter 6

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Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes to calm down, Hermione needed to focus. Mentally telling herself to snap out of it. Had he given too large of a dose or something.

Opening her eyes at him, spotting that he was staring at her, are the effects doing this to him as well, she wondered. " Malfoy, I think you've given me too much. Are you sure this is the truth potion cause it feels weird?

She watched as he nodded. " Yes, Pansy gave it to me because I asked her for some. She has a stash of it in her shop even, has other ones like the amorent-" he covered his mouth.

Witches and Wizards weren't allowed to have stashes of potions. You took what you needed, and that was it. Knowing Pansy, she probably used them in her shop potions, Parkinsons Pops, but Hermione was no longer a tell tale, so she won't go running to the minister or whoever. " It's fine, Malfoy. I won't tell anyone, but is it hot in here cause I'm really waaaah-" Hermione fell back into her wall after she stood, this was a truth potion but there was something else, did Pansy put alcohol in here or something." Malfoy, did Pansy put some butter beer or fire whisky in here cause I feel tipsy"

" Granger, we washed it down with that cherry stuff, remember, it must be that." The sound of his voice was doing things to her. It was embarrassing.

Her heart was going faster, and an urge to kiss him began to grow as she watched his mouth move. Breathing again, she pushed off the wall and walked over to him, and plopped down opposite him. " Hurry up with the game malfoy, then we can have the pepper up potion in my bag."

"Truth or dare, tell me who your best friend was out of the golden trio, I've always wondered, and it will let me know who i need to be nicer to, " Honestly, this man.

What was he going on about, weirdo. " I would say Harry, though I cared for Ron, because I has a silly crush on him I interpreted his actions to be nicer than they were, of course at the time I loved them equally but looking back at it now, Harry was physically there, he didn't run away when it got harder, but Ron did, he left us, and I didn't even know if he would live to come back, it was hard Malfoy when he left us in the forest, it was terrifying" she paused, why was she saying all this, she needed to stop but she couldn't.

"And then after the war, they were like two different people. Harry isolated himself, dealing with everything alone. He hated how he couldn't save Sirius or Fred. He hated the war and blaimed himself for those deaths. He focused on the negatives and never realised how many people he had saved by doing what he did. It wasn't until me and I helped him, and now, well, now he is as happy as a flying pig.

But I've always felt guilty about not being able to help Ron. He was sadder, much more moodier, and was constantly grieving or angry. I didn't know how to help him, i tried getting the waesleys together, then just him, me and harry, and then just me, nothing helped, but I tried my best, and I gave him everything I could, and it wasn't enough, Malfoy, how can i say that i was his best friend when i couldnt help him, do you know how much it hurts to hear people say how perfect the golden trio is, how us three are glorified for barely surviving the war, i don't even deserve these kind words that people say to me, when i couldnt even help one of my greatest friends. " she stopped.

Now, she felt the tears rolling down her face, still staring at one of the buttons in his shirt, she didnt want to look up. This was embarrassing. He wasn't her therapist. She needed to save it for the session. Stop it, Hermione, close your mouth. She needed to stay happy. She needed to act happy. Be normal.

Then, large arms wrapped themselves around her back, pulling her into the lap of Draco Malfoy. She relaxed and held onto his shirt. " I'm so sorry Granger, i am so fucking sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, I forgot about what happened with you all in the forest. Harry is very vague about it, but I didn't realise you felt like that. But it's okay, Granger, you did your best, and that's all you can do, " he gently whispered into her hair. It made her eyes swell again.

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