Chapter 3

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After two two parted Hermione felt pleased. She really was happy that her and Draco got along and found him rather interesting.

Once Hermione flooed into her muggle home, she was met with the golden, judging eyes of Crookshanks while he lay sprawled out on their couch.

"There is no need, Crooks. I'm only a little bit late, mister, turn now the judgment eyes. " Hermione headed towards the kitchen and stopped the automated cat feeder she installed for her boy. "Do you want some treats, Crooks?!" She shouted, and sure enough, the soft pitter, patter of Crookshanks paws came into the room.

Grabbing three treats and laying them out in his bowl, Hermione plopped herself down on her couch and smiled to herself.

Oh, how happy she felt. She knew she was happy, but her main struggle was dwelling in the past. Sadly, the past included a not so nice Draco, but now seeing him more mature and changed helped heal her heart. She truly believed they could be great friends.

Forgetting about being annoyed with Ginny, she face timed her from her phone  she had brought Ginny one for her 18th birthday as it was something she was fascinated by when she saw Hermione use it. Quickly answering the call, Ginnys face popped up on her screen in a funny, focused, and bewildered expression, making Hermione giggle.

"Sorry, Mione, still getting used to the loud noise this thing makes, but anyways, what did you call for?" She smiled.

"Oh, it's alright Gin, you've had it for around 3 years but oh well, and I was calling to tell you I'm happy you made us all have a catch up this morning, and now I feel really giddy from having such a good day, and I know I should add to your ego, but it's all because of you, like seriously, I thought Draco was scared of me or something cause he always avoided me and never really looked in my eyes when we did speak but now I know that it was just him being unsure on how to talk to me"

A few minutes passed before Ginny started giggling. " ohh Mione, all of this happiness and energy isn't because of me. it's because of a certain handsome blonde slitherin, who's now slitherin into your H E A R T!" Ginny squealed

"Come on, Gi-,"
" Mione I swear to Merlin if you try convince me that you don't find Malfoy, the Draco Malfoy handsome in any way I'm cutting your lounge of so you can't speak such lies, I don't see why you think finding him attractive is a bad thing, if anything it's amazing because as you know your the Hermione Granger, beauty and brains incarnated, you, your a bloody amazing witch and if you deserve someone it better be the most handsome guy in the Magic World, which is .... dun, dun, dun ..... Draco Malfoyy!" She shouts while clapping in a rhythm.

"What about Blaize?" Hermione asks with an innocent smile, watching as Ginny turns as red as her hair.

" Mione, you, you can't just say that to me when you know how i feel, don't get me to say that out loud I find one certain wizard better than the other, and stop changing the subject, you can't lie to me"

" Alright, I will say Draco Malfoy is a rather handsome wizard, but that doesn't mean there aren't any other sexy wizards out there either, like just because he has gorgeous eyes which are rather peculiar, i notice dthat today they seemed both pale blue and grey, and have an attractive ammount of stubble, and better than average fashon sence,  doesn't mean that he is the man for me"

"Mione, why won't you let yourself admit that he would be a good option, he is tall which is something you love about a guy, he has and I quote an attractive ammount of stubble, and I mean did you see his shoulders and arms in his shirt today, if inly Blaize would wear stuff like that for me" she sighed dreamily, letting her mind skip into a day dream of Blaize in a tight fitter shirt.

" I've only just became friends with this wizard and your telling me to try date him, Gin I'm not saying he is ugly, I'm saying I need time, this attractive wizard may be lovely but I need time before I act on anything, I don't want to screw things up"

" Mione I know you need time, take a whole year if you need it, but I wanted to make you aware of the handsome man who seems to enjoy admire you from afar, which you haven't noticed because your both to cautious around each other"

"Right, right, I get it, it just you know I haven't had anything serious since Ron which was what, around 4 or 5 years ago, and though it was honestly the best decision and I don't regret it, it hurt, it hurt to know I wouldn't get my best friend back once we were done, and I don't want me and Malfoy becoming close friends and then ending it because we don't fully know each other yet, I don't plan on dating him soon but I know your intentions weren't bad Gin, I just, I can't right now" Hermione breathed.

Ginny smiled and ended the call, leaving her a message

' i'll give you time Mione, but know you need to decide before the time runs out and something comes up, just make sure you do what you need to, and not what you think you should do, I love you and I know you will do what's best for you, have fun with the ferret 😉'

Smiling and rolling her eyes Hermione thought about their talk. She realise she infact may have a slight thing for the tall, Slitherin, but in no way, shape or form, was she going to force a connection for it to break apart down the line, she knew she wanted a natural pace,  natural spark, and a natural attraction, which she was sure she had felt 2/3 already, she just wanted time to reflect and think and then she will take action.

Later on, after sitting on her couch for two hours, writing down the things she liked about Draco, and then writing down things she wanted in her ideal man, Hermione realised why she liked him so much, somehow the annoying little ferret had matured into her real life type.
Tall, can take her attitude and not take offence, light hair, pretty eyes, funny, a strong voice, strong arms, caring, sweet, slightly annoying but listens to her, has interest  in her interests, pays attention likes similar things, good hygene, interesting, sexy, owns a few nice outfits, stable job and finally sexual tension.

Though it was strange, she found herself finding it awfully interested by the sexual tension she had with him, she didn't even have that with Ron. It was like he would pull her a smirk and she felt all tingly. It was strange.

Though this was all things she liked, she knew it would be almost impossible to find a man with a few of these, much less almost all of them like Malfoy.

That night Hermione decided that in the morning she would slightly change up her look and see if he notices, before she knew it she fell asleep with a smile on her face, lightly snoring, and dreaming of her ideal life, and how it would be if her and Malfoy had a different relationship...


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