Chapter 5

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His finger was still on her lips, and she resisted the urge to breathe. They were still stuck in the elevator. The mountain trolls were still there, kept bloody banging around every few minutes, but they weren't harming anyone yet, so it was fine.

He removed his finger from her lips, dragging it down slowly and dragged on her bottom lip. " There is no way I'm letting you go and die when we just started to get to know each other, Granger, though its strage to say, i rather enjoy your company, even if you don't make sence all the time" he whispered.

The two of them were still on the floor. The only light was the beam coming through the small gap between the doors of the elevator. The light had hit him when they began to move away from each other, his hair was glowing, and so were his bright eyes, which she couldn't stop looking at. He pulled something from his pocket and laid it on the floor. The two of them still sat close together.

"My wand," he whispered. " let's play a game Granger, lets say that if you win you can go climb out there and save us from them two small brained giants, Merlin know I will hate it but I'll even help you climb out, and if I win I get to ask you questions you have to answer Truthfully, fair?" She nodded, not a bad deal.

" Right, we ask simple questions, they will then move to harder ones and i will enchant my want to detect a lie, if you lie more than 3 times your out meaning the person left wins, deal" he held his hand out and she shook it.

Draco waved his want in a circular motion and casted a silencing charm so the trolls wouldn't hear them.

" Alright, who goes first?" She asked, though she already knew what he would say. " Me Of corse." he sat into a more comfortable position back against the wall, his legs moved off to the side, and one of them bent with his arm draped over it. She got more comfortable as well, pulling of her heels so her feet wouldnt ache later and then started to shift to get comfortable, but she was in a tight, short skirt, so it wasn't easy. She pulled her jumper off and placed it over her thighs as she didn't want to flash Draco her underwear as she moved to the wall next to his and sat on her legs. He moved the wand, and then the game started.

" Right, this is the easy level, so typical questions like, what is you favrout ice cream flavour?"

"Mint, mint chocolate chip," she whispered. She watched the wand glow green for a second and then stopped. Indicating she said the truth. She was a tad impressed. She didn't know wands could do that.

"How do you get your wand to do that?" She asked. He raised a brow. 
"Magic Granger"

Rolling her eyes, she moved on to her question. " What's your favourite ice cream flavour?"

"Honey comb crunch," a green glow followed.

She didn't expect that to be his favrout flavour.

"If you didn't get sorted into Gryfindor, what house do you think you would've been put in?" He asked

"I think Ravenclaw," she answered. The wand glowed red. She furrowed her brows.

" Say the truth, Granger."

"Fine, well the sorting hat may have said I would suit yellow, even tried getting me to willingly be a hufflepuff but I declined, so I would be a Gryfindor, the hat said something about i have a love for magic creatures and thats why" she glared at him as he smiled.

"Ah, that sounds about right, cute little Granger in a house for people who love animals and who are loyal, makes perfect sense,"

"Malfoy, if you didn't buy the quittitch team brooms in 2nd year, do you think you would've been let onto the team?"  Ha, a dig at you now, Malfoy.

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