22. test subject C

Start from the beginning

Just a few days ago, she was there, too. Next to her was Gaius Breen who is now fighting for his life in the hospital and has lost both of his legs. There is no news regarding his or even Felix Ravinstill's state. She's sure Coriolanus will be fine sooner or later, perhaps she'll even give the hospital a call around noon just to be polite. Perhaps she'll ask about Clemmie, too, because she does want to visit her. If the doctors tell her the truth over the phone is another question though.

She picks up one of the oatmeal cookies and smells it curiously. The combination of oats and cinnamon is something she finds oddly soothing and when she takes a bite, she immediately understands why Sheaf liked them so much. She trusts Cas enough to know he followed the recipe word for word and has to admit that his habit of baking when he's unwell does have some benefits. Of course she'd rather see him happy though. But if this helps him, she'll happily take the cookies.

As she chews, she also notices the funeral for the Ring twins has at least twice the amount of effort put into it as Arachne's. There are more banners, more Peacekeepers and when the cameras sweep over the crowd, her heart clenches at the sight of some of her friends silently crying for Pollo and Didi. She swallows, reaching for the glass of milk and right as she takes a sip, the camera now focuses on the podium.

June catches a glimpse of Cas behind it next to their mother and father, half of Max briefly shown on TV as well. Unlike a few days ago, Cas now looks like he's genuinely in mourning. He cared about the twins, not about Arachne.

Then, it takes a few moments until she realizes who the hologram is showing that slowly materializes behind the podium. It's a clean and crisp recording of Coriolanus singing at Arachne's funeral and she has to admit that he sounds much, much better on TV than he did when he was singing live. Perhaps she's simply biased - most people in the Capitol barely have an idea of what good singing sounds like anyway - but she does think Coriolanus' voice has some authority to it.

Cas takes the podium as soon as the hologram disappears and when it's his turn, it's obvious he's putting in a little bit more effort. Their mother looks saddened, however, she can tell she looks proud of her oldest son, too, for volunteering this time. While their father's expression is as hard as ever, he seems to have gotten over their disagreement at the hospital or at the very least knows not to show any disdain towards his son.

With his dark slicked back hair, the black suit and tie and a voice June knows would probably make anyone swoon, it's obvious he's putting in an effort for the Ring twins. And, of course, it makes her feel a bit strange as well. Have they really grown up that much? She still remembers when her and Cas would play hide and seek as kids and he'd often make her give away her hiding spots by making funny noises or telling jokes. Sometimes she'd even laugh when his jokes weren't funny just to see him laugh as well.

And now? They're adults. At least in their parent's eyes they are once they graduate.

She cares less about the speeches that follow once Cas steps back and joins the rest of the family when he's done singing, but she doesn't mind them. As she eats the cookies and occasionally helps herself to some milk, she thinks of the twins and knows she'll forever remember them fondly. It's a tragedy that they've had to fall victim to the bombings. All because Dr. Gaul wants people to watch the Games. More innocent lives lost for no reason other than cruelty and selfishness.

Right when she's done eating, she gasps when the camera shows more of the parade. Her heart sinks and she clasps a hand over her mouth at the sight of Sheaf's body draped over a horse. The body of the girl from Six, Ginnee, is draped over the horse next to her with the bodies of the tributes from One and the girl from Two dragged behind them. She feels sick now, as if she might rid herself of her breakfast any second.

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