Edward has to decide who to save

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James took in the smell of her blood, looking at her arm, as her hand tried to cover up the blood. "Your blood is a lot stronger then hers. I can now why, Edward is more addicted to you then your sister." James said, with a smirk  focusing on her over Bella.

"I wonder who Edward would react to seeing hurt. You or Bella? Hmm......" James thought, as he used his free hand to grip her leg tightly. Smirking seeing her struggling under his tight grip, before going to grip her arm that was bleeding. He took in the smell of blood again, he looked over at her free hand that tried to punch him he stopped it.

Only to be surprised by how much force she was able to hold against him, making him question her strength all of the sudden, before breaking her hip out of place. He smirked and watched, as she screamed and cried out in pain. "Tell him how much it hurts! Tell him!" James shouted, before being tackled by Edward away from her.

Shauna sat there crying in pain and unable to move her leg, she tried to keep pressure on her bleeding arm. Watching as Edward tackled James from her, she looked over at Bella as she ran over to her unsure how to help. "Y..you need to get out of here Bella." Shauna winced and cried in pain, before feeling and hearing Edward coming over to them, after fighting James for a few minutes. "We need to go. Carlisle can look at your leg." Edward told her, as he carried her towards the doors to exit the building.

"I'm not leaving you. Even if I'm not happy with you, we are still family." Bella told her, as  she looked around for James, following Edward as carried her sister, before ducking out of the way as James, attacked her sister and Edward, along with somehow knocking her out of the way as well, into glass. m
While making Shauna, fall out of Edwards arms and fly into the broken mirror pieces next to Bella.

Only to have a sharp piece of the mirror, go into her already bleeding arm and broken hip. Shauna groaned, unable to pull out the glass from the pain. She looked at her leg, before trying to get her arm away from James as he yanked it making her whine, in pain before feeling his fangs sinking into her wrist. "Gah!" She cried out in pain, soon feeling James fangs being ripped out of the wound he had caused.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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