The choice is made

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"Edward wait!" Bella chased Edward down the stairs and to where her sister was with his family. She walked into the room behind Edward and saw that her sister was gone, she looked at Edward who didn't look happy. "Where is she?" He asked his family firmly.

Carlisle sighed softly, as he nodded his head towards the window. "She jumped out the window and took off." He told his son, before watching him as he walked over to the window. "She's not human, but she's not like us." Carlisle said.

Edward then whipped his head at his father. "Then what is she?" He asked his father, before his father pulled him aside into a different room out of Bella's ear shout. "Alice saw what she is. She's a very special girl Edward. She's a hybrid." He told him.

Edward eyes went wide when he heard his father say that. "I thought they were a myth? Our bite kills wolves not turns them." He said, before hearing Alice gasping and looking into the room at her. "What is it Alice?"

"One or both of you are going to get hurt." Alice told Bella, she couldn't see how yet but all she saw was them both in pain but that wouldn't happen for awhile yet. "But I can't see why or what causes it." Alice added, before looking at Edward. "You have to make a choice her or Shauna. You won't have a choice."

"Edward what's she talking about?" Bella asked him as she looked at him confused, she wanted to know what Alice meant by choice. "Can someone please tell me what's going on?" She asked.


"Your not human are you?" Alice asked Shauna, which caused Shauna to look up at Alice before looking away and down at the plate in front of her of food that she was eating. "No, I'm not but I am not like you guys either. At least not fully." She told them.

Carlisle had heard the stories of hybrids but it was more of a myth than a legend. "Your a hybrid." He said, before zipping over to the other side of the counter looking at her eyes. "I didn't think it was possible, but I guess it is. Regardless of you being a hybrid or not, you are welcome here anytime.
I know Edward and Bella might not agree on that, but I can see that you and Edward can't stop staring. Alice had told us of the visions of you being with him and Bella with a werewolf. I'm starting to think that might happen." Carlisle told her. "As long as Edward chooses that path." Esme told her husband, whom nodded his head before looking back at Shauna.

Shauna listened everything they were saying and it was not much for her to take as she saw images in her mind and heard things, she shook her head before getting up and running over to the window. She then wolfed out as soon as she hit the ground running, she growled as she saw images still and heard things.

"Your my true mate."
"Your so beautiful."
"Come back to me. I can't lose you." She heard a voice of Edward saying in her head as she saw images, where they were together and happy but she also saw one where she saw his fangs out with blood on his face. The other one was one of him in the sun and her right in front of him smiling, and he had a smile on his face.

She growled as she continued to run in her wolf form, before slowing down when she heard something in the trees. She looked up at the trees, before snapping her jaw up at them and running off even farther from the house and deeper into the woods.


"Your Edward's mate and your sister is his true mate." Carlisle told her.

"Wait your saying that both of them are acting weird and stuff, because he's meant to be with both of us but he has to decide who he wants to be with more?" Bella said. "I don't understand any of this, you know what I just wanna go home. Edward just don't even try to tell me anything. Please just take me home."

Edward sighed softly and nodded his head, before getting stopped by Alice. "I'll take her home. It will save you the mess with Charlie." She told him, before taking Bella home and giving Edward a look knowing he heard her thoughts. "Go after her." She told him as she left.

Edward didn't want to see Bella leave, but he watched as Alice took her home while he felt like he had just gotten kicked in the gut. He heard Shauna's thoughts about him as she ran, but with her being father away now he couldn't. He looked at his sister as she told him in her mind to go after Bella's sister.

He looked at his family, before zipping out the window and into a tree as he used the tree to stay above the ground to find her. Hoping he could find her, all this forest with as far away as she was.

(Please let me know if I escalated it to far to fast. I thought that it turned out pretty good so far.)

Twilight Torn between two worldsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin