Making the decision....

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Edward stayed up in the tree as he listened for her thoughts, before hearing someone else's thoughts. "Why is there a wolf on our side!" He heard Rosalie, before zipping through the trees to that location where he saw her and Emmett on the ground looking at a very jet black black wolf.

Edward jumped down from the tree behind them, he looked straight at the wolf and saw the wolf look straight at him as her expression softened. "What afraid of us or something?" Emmett said to the wolf, watching as she backed up with her expression softened.

"She's scared of what she saw." Edward said from behind them both, which caused Rosalie and Emmett to look at him. "I'm her mate." He told them both. "I'm not meant to be with Bella, at least not exactly."

"What ate you talking about? Bella is your blood singer-". Rosalie went to say before Edward cut her off. "She is, but the wolf is her sister." Edward looked at the wolf, before glancing back at his siblings. "She imprinted on me. I saw her thoughts, it's not Bella I'm meant to be with. It's her." Edward knew that bella was better off without him, but he still cared for her and knew that she deserves better then someone like him.

"Great so now we have a wolf in the family." Rosalie said now annoyed, as she glared at the wolf before looking at the guys. "I like it's cool." Emmett said. "I wouldn't mind having a werewolf in the family. Babe come on." He watched as she zipped through the trees on the ground as she headed back home.

"I guess I'll see you back at the house." Emmett said, he looked at Edward and the wolf, before zipping after his mate to head back home. "Rosalie!" Emmeltt shouted as he chased after her.

Edward watched the two of them leave, before looking back at the wolf as she stood there looking at him. "You can hear my thoughts?" He heard her ask him. "I can. I heard what you saw. Your afraid of being rejected by the person that you imprinted on by accident. I care for Bella, but....I also care about you. I haven't been able to get you off my mind ever since I met you." He said, as he continued to look at her.

Shauna looked at Edward, before glancing away then glancing back at him. "So then you know what will happen? Great, all the more reason for Bella to hate me." She thought as she looked sad with her ears pinned back.

Edward was confused but yet upset, when he heard her thinking about how much more Bella was going to hate her now. "What do you hate you even more?" He asked her firmly as he walked towards her, before watching as she continued to backup. "Shauna I'm not mad at you please just tell me." He continued to walk towards her. "She was jealous of the night that you saw me at work singing.
She was upset that your eyes were more on me then her. We had a argument the night you brought her home, she blamed me for you not focusing on her. Saying that it was my fault for you paying more attention to me then her."

Edward didn't know what to say as he read those thoughts, he really honestly couldn't believe that Bella was being mean to her all because he had feelings for both of them and because more of his focus was on Shauna instead of Bella. But now it made more sense why he couldn't stop wanting to be near her or why he couldn't ignore her strong scent.

"None of this is your fault, if anything it's my fault. I should've known that it was you I was meant to be with not her. I know now and that's all that matters, Bella deserves better then someone like me. I'm no good for her and she knows it. I'm better off without her being in my world, it's not safe for her." Edward said. 

"I am torn between your world and hers, if I stay in hers she will push me away and hate me. If I stay in your world, Bella will hate both of us." Edward added. "I'd rather her hate me and push me away then lose you. You are the one I want to be with not Bella."

Edward gently reached out his hand to touch her wolf head. "I'm not gonna make you chose between me or her, but if you chose me then there's a good chance Bella and Charlie will want nothing to do with us. Especially since he doesn't like you." Shauna thought as she walked forward and leaned her head against his hand.

Edward scoffed lightly, as he sat his hand on her giant wolf head. "I know Charlie doesn't like me. But I'd rather have him and Bella mad at me, then make the wrong call and have you be lonely the rest of your life." He told her softly.

Shauna looked at him with her wolf eyes. "Then I guess as long as you want me as your mate, your stuck with me." She thought.

Edward looked at her and smiled a bit. "Then I guess we're stuck with each other."

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