14. Into the Jaws of the Great King

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"Are you kidding me!? Those mother fuckers are impossible to deal with, let alone try to work with", I say looking at Winston. "Yes, Y/N, I am aware of that, but they are the only chance we have to find what I need. All you have to do is convince the King to come here for a meeting. There is no fighting, or anything like that involved. You will merely go in peace. Do whatever it takes to get them to come here, I do not care", Winston said clearly on a thin line. I sighed looking down at my lap. I interlaced my fingers together, slightly lost in thought. I glance back up at Winston.

 "Fine, but if they refuse and send me back... what am I to do then?", I asked. "Well, then you go back in there and keep asking, or demanding, knowing you", Winston replied matter of factly. I nodded as if it was simple. I knew it wasn't. The Bowery King was considered one of the most suborn and bullheaded men in the underground. No one ever got what they wanted from him, unless they were part of the Bowery itself. He never accepted anything as a bribe; money, guns, people, anything. Even though they are literally homeless, they accept nothing. I knew that I would just be wasting all my time, but maybe, just maybe if I am annoying enough, I can get him to agree to have a sit down with Winston.

"It is settled then, you will leave in half an hour, return to your room, get ready, Charon will send for a car to take you down to the market district where you will find the entrance to the Bowery. You will find someone waiting to take you to the King when you arrive". I nodded and turned to leave, but I stopped before I could walk out the door, turning back to Winston. There had been something I wanted to ask him, but I couldn't remember it for the life of me. "Is there a problem Y/N?", Winston asked, lifting his eyes up to me, concerned. "No, there had been something I wanted to ask you, but I can not remember it. Oh well, I will ask when I remember", I respond forlornly, turning back to the door and walking out. I stride down the carpeted hallway, to the elevator. I call for the elevator, and when it arrives there is no bellhop. Quite odd, since we are very well staffed. They must be changing shifts, which even then is odd, since they are usually careful to have someone cover during shift changes. I shrugged, making a mental note to mention something to Charon about it. I pressed the button to my floor and rode the elevator down. 

As I rode in the car to the market district, I looked out the window at all the people scattered across the sidewalks and the roads. I made note of all the people who were begging on the street, knowing most of them were part of the very place I was headed to right now.  

As the car wove its was deeper into the dingy streets of the market district, I looked out the window absentmindedly. My phone buzzed and lit up, showing a new status of an open contract. I saw the big number seven with 6 pretty "0"s behind it. Maybe after this I could hop on the hunt, I didn't need the money, but the hunt would be fun nonetheless, they always were when it came to people that valuable. Damn, seven million, that person must be pretty valuable, extremely wanted, or both. Before I could look closer to see who it was the car stopped in front of a small and dirty looking soup kitchen with people slowly filing in and leaving with a bowl of soup and a small bit of bread. I got out and walked over to the side alley of the building where I was informed a person would be waiting to take me to the King. As I rounded the corner I was met with the sight of a man in a beanie and a long coat, with dark circles under his eyes. He gave me a scrutinizing look and smirked wide, showing me his abundance of missing teeth. "You here to see the Great King, missy?", he said to me. "Yes I am", I replied curtly, trying to give him a small smile. It surprisingly worked. He looked back at me, and motioned for me to follow him. We walked in a blue side door, and walked into a kitchen area. 

The moment I walked in I was punched in the face with the delicious smell of chicken noodle soup and fresh bread. I shook my head and continued following the guy, I refused to get distracted by food at a moment such as this. I followed him behind rows of shelving with food stocked high. We exited the kitchen area, and walked down multiple flights of steps before we made it to a damp and dimly lit area. Now this was more what I expected the headquarters of the Bowery to look like. There was a room to my left with the walls lined with guns and metal shelves of ammo. Another room up ahead had bulletproof vests in it that had enough to protect a small army. However, we walked past all of that and made our way to a small office with a large desk and a glass case with some nice looking guns in it. There was a desk chair stationed behind the desk with its back turned towards me. The chair was high back and I could just make out the top of a black beanie.

"Who dares wishes to enter in the presence of the Great Bowery King!!!", The voice boomed out after a few moments. The desk chair slowly turned to reveal a large man sitting in the chair, clad in multiple trench coats topped off with what looked to be a small stuffed ferret wrapped around his neck, much as a scarf would be. His round face shone with a grin of sheer amusement. Before I could answer he spoke again. "As yes, the Continental girl, down here wallowing in our filth, doing Winston's evil doing for him. So, what do you think of my place? Don't answer that I know what most people like you think of this place", he said pausing for a moment , rubbing his hands together, "Well, lets get down to business, what does dear old Winston want this time?". "He would like to set up a meeting, face to face, with you at the Continental, to discuss some business he has with you. He comes asking for favor", I reply calmly, maintaining eye contact with the "Great" Bowery King.

The grin grew wider.  A chuckle started from his throat, a chuckle which turned into a laugh, which then turned in to a great boom that seemed to echo in the smaller chamber, a boom that would resonate in your soul. I looked at him, not knowing what was so confusing. As he finished laughing, he looked back at me. The smile slowly fell from his face. "Oh, you're serious", he said looking at me. I nodded. "Ha! NO", he replied turning away and busying himself with a little paperwork that was sitting on his desk. "Wait! It is only a business meeting, nothing is being guaranteed. He just wants to talk. Nothing else. Please just talk to him", I pleaded hoping this would work. The King looked back up at me, back down at the paper in his hand, then back up at me. He opened his mouth to reply, but what he was about to say was interrupted by a man rushing into his office and whispering something frantically into the King's ear. He nodded along to what the person was saying, I saw his eyes dart to me a couple of times. After the man was finished speaking the King looked at me. "Well, today is your lucky day! You get to see how this King really does business. Bring her along, can't leave her here, and don't trust her", the King said, glancing back over at me one last time before walking out the room.  I rolled my eyes, the last thing I would do is steal from homeless people, I'm an assassin, not a lowlife piece of scum. But the trust issues were understandable. As I followed him, I do have to admit, the way he walks does emit that of a king, as if he owned everything, even the world. Not a single care in the world. We made our way up a separate stairway and up, up, up, onto the roof.
As we emerged onto the roof, I was struck in the face by the whipping wind. There were pigeons with respective cages neatly stacked and placed along the sides of the roof. There were a a couple people other than us who had just arrived already standing on the roof. One in particular caught me eye. There standing on the roof, was a figure that looked quite familiar yet so foreign all simultaneously. I am sure me eyes are playing tricks on me, trying to make what I wanted to be appear in front of me. At that moment I was so sure yet so unsure of something all at the same time. But in a split second I got the only answer I needed. 

"John Wick! The man! The myth, the legend!", The King boomed out and the world seemed to go quiet as the very words were uttered. 

A/N:  Wowsers! Thank you so much for 1k reads! so happy with how this has come along so far. If there is anything you think could be better, please feel free to let me know in the comments. I appreciate you all so much for the support, and can't wait for the story to come.  See you all in the next chapter. Happy Reading!
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Aim to kill (John Wick X !Female Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now