2.Target Terminated

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!!! Words Italicized like such are words that are translated from Russian unless said otherwise next the header!!!

-Present day-

I sit on the roof top with my rifle propped on a stand looking over the scene. The men are scattered over the concrete gathering their final pieces of cargo into the cars before they are about to take off. I count the number of men on duty today, it was a total of 12; the boss, his 3 guards and the 8 workers. I double check my silencer. is on the barrel of the gun before pulling my mask up and get ready to start the job. Winston had given me a contract to take out a Russian mafia group terrorizing other families in the New York City area and someone had called in a personal contract for Winston to get done. I had been ordered to take them all out, including the boss because if 'you don't kill the root you can't kill the tree' as Winston will continue to quote till the day he dies.  

I decided to move to get a better shot before I notice the boss coming out of his office. Stupid fucking bitch, he is moving right out into the open, I mean how stupid can he be. I take my aim right at his head making sure to keep an eye out for any guards I may have missed on my way into the building. I make sure my aim is true and... pull the trigger. I see the Bosses head whip back as I hit him in the head before falling onto the concrete. The people around him start to pull out their guns, looking around in the rafters of the building, trying to catch who would dare kill the boss. I hurriedly unscrew the silencer and shove it into the box next to me. I make sure my handguns and magazines are in place on my tactical belt around my waist. I make sure my mask is tied tight on my head so it won't fall down, revealing my identity. I rush down the stairs to get to the behind the gate before the men started streaming out to try and catch who killed their top man. I slid a handgun out of it's holster and click the safety off. Welp, no more hiding place some of the men heard it click. They turned towards me, firing bullet after bullet and I return the shots. I get one man out and down and notice many more men rushing towards me. I feel the bullets continue to hit me, thankfully though, I have a special suit outfit tailor made with micro-netted, bullet proof material that makes it literally a life savior. 

I run out of bullets and I'm down 3 men with 3 more to go. 2 of the men come running at me, clearly out of bullets. One of the reaches towards me but before he can do anything I grab his hand twisting it away from him breaking his right arm. I swing him around and lets him go sending him tumbling into the other man coming towards me. It bought me some time to change out my magazine and fire some more shots into the 3 men. I had the boss down, and six of his workers, that made seven down, 5 to go. The 3 guards are next, gaining on me before I could think. I notice that one of the men didn't have a gun surprisingly enough. He leapt at me, slamming my body into the gate behind me, knocking the air out of me. I watch as he pulls out the knife he had in his pocket. I lunges at my face with the knife, I block it luckily, but not without getting a nice slash on my cheek, or I would have been absolutely fucked. I knee him in the balls making him let go of the knife out of pain I quickly grab it and slice his throat, his blood splattering all over my face. I push him off into the next man that I didn't notice that had been there. I grab his gun and pop one  in his skull before I turn to where the third guard had been. 

Now they were gone, everything was silent. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!!", I scream as I run back into the building, 3 out of the 5 cars had gone. I run to a car that they haven't filled up with all of their shit. It was a nice car, red 1970 Camaro. fast enough, and I can hot wire. Luckily, I knew I would miss at least one man, so I had gotten the route that they had planned to take. I get the car started and speed out of the building onto the street. Keeping an eye out for the cars that were missing I spot them all driving together, booking it to the other side of the city where they were supposed to plant the cargo and frame another crime family to get them turned in to the Law enforcement. I speed up to them, pointing my last handgun out the window since I had lost the others during the fight. Luckily, I still had 3 magazines full of bullets. I aim at the tires. As long as I blow out at least one to two tires each car will stop them long enough for me to dispose of them.  I only had 3 men to get rid of, which means one person in each car, this should work. I shoot 2 bullets at each of the cars, I hit one tire on the first two cars and hit two tires on the last car. All of them curve to the sides of the road. I stopped in the middle of the road and got out ready to shoot some bitches. I unload 3 rounds into the first guy watching him fall before sending a few more rounds into the other two, killing one and injuring the other. I heard the guy cry out right before I ended his misery. 

Aim to kill (John Wick X !Female Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now