6. Hotel room

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We arrived at Vegas in a little under 5 hours. Once we got off the plane, we made a beeline to the front exit since we didn't have to stop by baggage check. We made it outside and Wick made a call. Not even 15 minutes later, an expensive looking car drove up and honked slightly signaling for us to get in. Wick took my bag from me and put it in the trunk, he even opened the door for me, I sure it was just a formality though. I sat on one side of the car, gazing out of the window, occasionally sneaking a peak over at Wick. How was I supposed to work with him, not because of how good looking he was, but because I had never, not even once, done a contract with someone else. I know other people have and can, but this will definitely be a new change. I would say the same would most likely be the same for Mr. Wick, however, no matter how much I try I just can't read him. Most people have a certain way of acting that will give away bits and pieces of their personalities, like whether they are confident or self-conscious, weak or strong, etc. But for some reason I just can't pick up anything off of Wick. It doesn't surprise me though; he is an assassin. Even assassins give away something without them knowing or wanting to, it's just human nature, I guess.

We arrive to the Vegas Continental quickly, the airport we came from being only around 15 minutes away from it. We get out, each of us grabbing our bag, and heading up the stairs of the hotel. As I walk into the lobby, I can feel the eyes on me. I look around, numbering and recognizing the exits. It may be the Continental, but there are still people who will do anything to get to a target, even if that means breaking the rules and becoming ex-communicado. I glance up looking over to Mr. Wick and notice him doing exactly what I was doing. See, even assassins give something away via body language, even if it is something small like that. We made our way to the front desk; I was trailing a little farther behind Wick. I noticed all of the eyes on us. I stride up to Mr. Wick's side and walked next to him as we made it up to the front desk. We signed in and immediately found out the Winston wanted us to pretend we were a couple the moment we got to the Hotel, even though it was safe. "Alright, since you two will be sharing a room, your room number will be 235. Here is you key, and please remember, this is a non-business hotel", the concierge said to us, handing us each a key to the same room. I looked down at the key in shock and looked over at Mr. Wick. We made eye contact and I shrugged slightly. If that is what Winston wanted I guess that is what we would get. We went to the elevator and got in. As we were riding up to the floor, Mr. Wick cleared his throat in a seemingly nervous tone. I glanced up at him, hoping that this didn't make him as uncomfortable as I was. I really didn't want him to be uncomfortable, that would make me feel horrible, especially since this is our first time meeting and it seemed like Winston just shoved us into this without either of us knowing each other.

We got to our room and walked in. The room was gorgeous, the wall next to the bed is a full window, overlooking the entire skyline of the city. The crazy lights from the surrounding casinos shining brightly into the dark room, the greens and neon pinks mixing with blues. The view itself was so very pretty. The room was spacious and luxurious, a nice armchair sitting at the end of the bed. The bed was a large one that had a soft looking black comforter with many pillows. Once Mr. Wick turned on the light, the room lite up nicely. I glanced around and placed my bag on the floor next to the armchair. There were a variety of different sized bags on the bed, one with my name on it and one with Mr. Wick's name on it. There were also 2 different black duffle bags and as I unzipped them, I found a variety of guns and rounds in there, neatly placed inside; nothing mixing with something it shouldn't. The other bag was the same, even with the exact same contents. I moved it off of the bed to clear off space to go to sleep. it was only now that I realized that, there was only one bed. Yep, One. Fucking. Bed. As if this could be uncomfortable enough, it would be even more so if we didn't find something as an alternative. Mr. Wick strides over to me and checks out the duffle bags. I look down at him as he hovered over the bags, examining the contents. He stood back up and looked at me. "I would not like this to be uncomfortable, however I couldn't help but notice that there is only one bed and two of us", he said in a somewhat amused tone. Or was it annoyed; I couldn't quite tell with him. He continued, "You may have the bed, I will take the chair". "No, I may not know you, but I know that even if this is a nice hotel the armchairs aren't comfortable. You may have the bed, I'm perfectly fine with taking the chair, and if that is uncomfortable, I'll just sleep on the floor. I just met you, and that is rude to force someone to sleep on the floor", I replied. "Just take the bed it is too late to argue. I may be an assassin, but I do know manners and even I wouldn't make a lady sleep on the floor, sleep on the bed or I will make you", Wick said. "Mr. Wick-" I started, "John", he interrupted, "Call me John, I'm not too big on formalities when it comes to work like, this". He ended the last part of the sentence somewhat trailing off. "Well then, John, first off you can't make me do anything. and secondly either you take the fucking bed, or we share the bed, and frankly I don't want to do that", I said. "Okay, I'll take the bed. With you in it, it'll just have to be." He said matter-of-factly. I raise my eyebrows at him, clearly asking him what he meant. He rolled his eyes at me and headed to the restroom.

Aim to kill (John Wick X !Female Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now