9. Hard Business

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The man ended up forgetting about me in his drunken stupor and made his way back to his room. Unfortunately, he did not forget about the girls in his room and started back up shortly after. John and I lay together in bed slightly closer to each other than last night. At around midnight, the noise died down and I was able to drift to sleep. 

I wake up warm and cozy, not wanting to get out of bed. Technically I don't have to until later since neither John nor I have to do anything until tonight. I did want to finalize planning and make sure I knew for sure everything that I needed to. I tried to sit up but was held down by some sort of weight. My stomach drops when I realize that John's arm was wrapped around my torso holding me down as he lightly snores into his pillow, his hair flared across his face, making its way to his mouth. For a graceful guy, he sure slept like the opposite. I push his hair out of his face and look down at him. You can't do this Y/N, even if you could love him, he used to have a wife and she died a little over a year ago, its cruel to do that, he should grieve and wait for the right person. I lay back down and sit in silence, looking out the window and listening to John snore near my ear.

We eventually got up. Neither John nor I mentioned anything about him holding me. I would hate to make anything awkward. We got dressed making sure to wear the rings that had been given to us, in case we were seen by any of the business worker, giving the illusion of us being a couple, and headed out for the day; we would be returning to the hotel room around 5 O'clock tonight to change for our contract but until then we were free. It was around 11 so we both wore street clothes and walked along the streets and checked Vegas out for all it had to offer. The streets were flooded with cars, buses and people moving alongside each other. We stopped at a sushi joint where we grabbed some food. It was probably some of the best sushi and sashimi I had ever had, I had to give it to Vegas, even if the place wasn't ideal, the food was good. We walked around to the different stores window shopping and stopping in different places. It was funny how the businesses mingled together, there were normal stores like clothing shops and shoe stores and unusual ones like sex shops and stripper clubs, all next to each other, as if it was perfectly normal. For Vegas it probably was normal, but to me it was just odd. We stopped in a jewelry store when I saw some nice watches in the window next to some beautiful necklaces. I mentioned to John about the watches, and we walked in because it turned out that he had in fact been looking for a new one ever since he had lost his old one on a contract that had put him in a pinch. We wondered the glass cases, John got help from a clerk as he looked for the perfect watch and I wondered to the earring section looking at all of the beautiful diamonds and variations of jewels on them. A clerk came and helped me as well, I picked out a beautiful pair of silver half-moon earring set with onyx in the middle, that would go well with the outfit I was wearing tonight. Since the club was a sex one, I was wearing a dress that showed a bit more skin than I typically do for a club. It was a gorgeous blood red color bodycon dress that was made of the same material that the bulletproof suits were, but it imitated silk which was very nice to the touch and good to move around in. It had places that I could discretely hide guns and magazines full of rounds without being seen.  John was wearing an all-black, three-piece suit, much like the one that he had worn the first night I met him.  I paid and walked over to john just as he was finishing his purchase. He showed me his new watch, a stainless-steel black one, the analog hands silver. The design was sleek, and the glass was apparently a special scratch resistant one that would probably serve useful with how rough John is on his contracts. We walk out and grab each other's hands again. It had become our system for not losing each other in the throngs of people. 

Damn were the women here bad; I could swear that John was getting stopped almost every ten feet, being asked for his number. He would roll his eyes and use me as a scape goat, pulling me close and holding my hand up to show that we 'were together'. I think about the conversation we had last night about Helen and how she and John were treated by the whores. As we walked away I could hear a group of women cussing me out as we walked away, this caused John to wrap his arm tighter around me and walk together. It was around 2 now and we got to the casino part of town. I looked around. Even in the daytime the lights were almost dizzying, the screens showing almost acid trip animations. The colors so vivid it hurt my eyes to look at them for too long. We make decided to turn back since there wasn't too much to do. We made it back to the Continental around 3 which was early so we headed up to our room. We decided to go ahead and get ready for tonight and head down to the hotel's bar for dinner and some early drinks. I grab my dress and head into the bathroom closing the door behind me. I am able to get everything on but I'm struggling with the zipper. 

I walk out to ask John if he can help me with my zipper when I see him in his boxers changing in the living area. I go to turn around but he stops me, "What did you need, I'm almost done", He said, I hear him zip his fly up. I turn back around to him and gesture to my back. "I can't get the zipper and wanted to see if you would help me", I said sheepily, walking across the room to him. "Of course, turn around for me so I can get to it", John replies holding out his hands. I'm still slightly flustered from seeing him in just his boxers, damn was he fine. His fingers gently graze my back as he drags the zipper up my back. I shiver at the coldness of his hands. Once he finishes zipping my dress he gives me the okay to turn around. "Wow, that dress is beautiful, it certainly compliments you Y/N", He says observing me in the dress. "Thank you, John", I say. John puts on the rest of his clothes while I'm in the room, putting on my Jewlery. He comes up behind me and helps me with my necklace without me needing to ask him. No wonder he would know to help, he was married for four years. We finish up and head downstairs, armed and bedazzled. I do have to say, when I looked in the full- length mirror next to the door on the way out I saw myself, I looked gorgeous, John was right, the dress did compliment me. 

We made it down to the bar area of the hotel and both took a seat at the high-top bar. The bartender took our orders, a vodka neat for me and a bourbon for John. I downed the glass and ordered another while John sort of sipped at his. I finish 2 glasses easily but stop since we have a job to finish. I stop when I hear a voice, a very familiar voice. It was the man from last night, John and I turn around in unison to see the man now dressed up in a suit quite like John. Now that the guy was in good lighting, I could get a good look at him.  

His name is Samuel Cordato, 36 years old and he was the douche bag that was running the child trafficking operation. I grit my teeth together at the sight of him, he looked grimy and dirty, the filth clearly on his suit jacket. He was walking around the lounge area talking to associates of his. He had a collar in his hand. No. Fucking. Way. He had those children on a lease, dragging them around like they were dogs. I say children because I saw now that these same girls from last night were no older than the age of 9 or 10. Their youthful faces blotted with bruises, dressed in provocative dresses suitable only for people over the age of 18 at least. Their eyes sunk into their skulls, clearly sleep deprived and starving, their bones showing through their skin. I squeezed the glass tight in my hand, hurting my hand from the pressure of the glass in the palm of my hand. It was obvious I was pissed, John placed his hand on my knee slightly squeezing. As Samuel continued to parade the girls around John's hand started to squeeze tighter and tighter hurting me slightly. 

I cleared my throat and John let go of my knee. I looked down, it had left slight red marks where his fingers had been. 

I felt a person behind me and I turned around to find myself face to face with Samuel himself. "Well, what do we have here. It's the pretty little lady from last night. So have you thought anymore about my offer", he said in a leering tone, towering over me as I sat there. I look over at John and decide that I will take none of this shit. I stand up and make eye contact with him, leaving John sitting on his bar stool. "I said it before and will say it again, the answer is no, my husband and I are fine on our own", I say, in an even and cool tone as to not give away the seething hate rolling off of me. Samuel looks from me to John and back again, a surprised look on his face. "You are married to the Baby Yaga?", He said in a condescending tone. Well shit, our cover is blown.  All of a sudden John stands up next to me wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close, "Yes, you are going to leave me and my wife alone. Now", John said, venom rolling off of his tounge. Samuel looked taken aback. He stepped away from us. He started to laugh at us, loudly getting the attention of many of the people around. His laugh became louder and more manic the longer he laughed, the girls chained to him falling to the ground and huddling together, shivering, fear in their eyes. He tugged on the lease tethering them to him, yanking them to their feet. "You are going to regret this Mr. Wick, you and your wife!", he yells turning his back to us and walking out of the doors. All eyes on us as we walked out of the lounge. I am ready to kill a man and I will make sure it is slow and painful. 

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