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(Mention of OD)

Today was a hot Saturday afternoon. Billy, Vance, Griffin, and Robin were going to watch the baseball game. They were mostly there because Robin was going to at least try to talk to Fin about everything, but it was also nice to get out of the house.

When they got there, it was extremely lively.

Robin swore he saw that Donna girl that Fin was always talking about. She was pretty. No wonder Finney liked her.

Billy, Vance, and Robin all sat together, whereas Griffin sat next to Amy and Gwen in the front.

"Hey Griffin, guess what?" Amy says.

"Huh?" He taps on his ear to indicate he couldn't hear over everyone talking loudly around him.

"I said, guess what?" She had a massive grin plastered on her face.


"I overheard that Vance is taking Bruce on a date!" She laughs out loudly.

"Oh, wow." He giggles at the thought of his brother going on a date.

A loud whistle is heard, and all the players go to their place on the baseball diamond.

Finney was first to pitch. The guy misses on the first strike.

"Go, Fin!" Robin screams.

Finney could tell it was Robin by the sound of his voice and how he was the loudest one there. It made Fin all flustered and threw him off a little before he took a deap breath and got back into the right mindset. He throws again, and this time, the batter hits it. Finney runs and catches the ball. He throws it to 3rd base, and they stump him out. (Idk anything about baseball sos)

The audience claps, and Finney feels proud of himself. He hears Donna cheer for him, which Robin also hears. A course of jealousy ran through Robins body.

Finney draws his attention back to the game, and he gets ready to throw the ball again for the next batter.

They eventually change, so it was Bruce's and Finney's teams turn to bat. Fin walked to the dig out and watched.

Bruce was second to bat. His teammate made home run on the second strike.

Bruce takes a deep breath, swinging his bat around before standing in a good stance, focusing on the ball. It comes for him and...


He had hit it, and he ran like lightning.

"Come on, Bruce!" He hears Amy scream.

"Go, Bruce!" Another voice he recognises as Finney screams. He makes it all the way to fourth base safely.

They eventually won their game. When most people left, Bruce went to the bathroom to splash his face with cold water to cool himself off. He wetted his fingers and ran them through his hair, pushing it back and out of his sweaty face. He hears the door swing open, but he doesn't pay much attention to who it was.

"You were pretty good out there today."

"Thanks. Vance." Bruce brings his focus to the blonde staring at him.
"What time are you picking me up tonight? And where are we going?" Bruce was curious as Vance didn't really specify anything.

"I'll pick you up around seven pm, and I'm not telling you where we're going. It's a suprise."

"Ok then."

"Anyway, let's go. I need to make sure Robins and Finney's talk is going ok." Vance walks out, Bruce following after him.

They didn't see anyone other than their siblings and Billy.

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