S1 EP9: The Empty Child Part 2

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"Something wrong with that?"

"Wrong with it? It's brilliant. I'm not sure if it's Marxism in action or a West End musical." the Captain says.

"Why d'you follow me? What d'you want?"

"We want to know how a phone that isn't a phone gets a phone call. You seem to be the one to ask." the Doctor says.

"I did you a favour. I told you not to answer it. That's all I'm tellin' ya."

"Great, thanks! And we wanna find a blonde in a Union Jack." the Captain adds.

"He means a specific one." the Doctor says.

"I didn't just wake up this morning with a craving. Anybody seen a girl like that?" the Captain says, the kids round the table laugh again. Nancy looks at the two men before standing up, Ernie looks at them confused, she makes her way over to the two men before grabbing the Doctor's plate.

"What've I done wrong?" the Doctor asks.

"You took two slices." Nancy tells the man, before taking the Captains plate as well. "No blondes, no flags. Anything else before you leave?"

"Yeah, there is, actually, thanks for asking. Something we're looking for. Would've fallen from the sky, but not a bomb." the Doctor says, as the Captain pulls out some paper and starts to draw on it.

"Not the usual kind, anyway." the Captain adds still drawing.

"Wouldn't have exploded. Probably just buried itself in the ground somewhere..." the Doctor says, Nancy shuffles her weight onto her other foot as she and the kids watch on.

"And it would've looked something like...this." the Captain says showing the drawing to everyone. Nancy looks at the drawing and her expression turns from annoyed to one of sadness.

There's knocking coming from a window that grabs everyone's attentions. The two men turn their heads to look at where the knocking is coming from. "Mummy? Are you in there, mummy?" a child's voice says. The two men stand up with the Captain putting the paper away they both walk to the curtains and look out. "Mummy?" a kid with a gas mask on places his hand on the window.

"Who was the last it?" Nancy asks.

"Them." Ernie says pointing at the two men.

"Nah, they came round the back. Who came in the front?"

"Me." the new kid whispers.

"Did you close the door?"

"I don't..."

"Did you close the door?

"Mummy? Mummy? Mum-my!" the kid makes his way to the front door. Nancy rushes to the door to lock the door. The two men are watching from the doorway confused as to why she's so scared of a child.

"What's this then? Never easy being the only child left out in the cold. You know." the Doctor says.

"I suppose you'd know!" she says to the man.

"We do, actually, yes." the Captain tells her.

"It's not exactly a child."


Nancy rushes back into the dining room "Right, everybody out. Across the back garden. ..Now! Go! Move!" she tells them putting her coat on, the kids follow her lead and put their coats on and leave. "Come on, baby, we've got to go, all right? It's just like a game, just like chasing. Take your coat, go on. Go!" Nancy walks over to a little girl, no older than 4, who is still sat at the table.

The two men watch as Nancy ushers the girl out. "Mummy? Mummy? Please let me in, Mummy." the Captain walks cautiously over to the door, only stopping just in front of it, while the Doctor watches him. "Please let me in, mummy." the kid puts his hand through the letter box.

The Doctor and The Captain - Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora