When we finished I thanked my mom and went to my room changing into comfy clothes sitting on my bed.

"Nala c'mere puppy" I said patting the bed. She jumped up beside me.

I took out my phone and went onto the group chat.

Feral boys.

Heyyy guys.

Hey Karl get home ok?

Yes I did I came out
To my parents. 

Oh my god that's great Karl
Well done. X

Karl I'm so proud of you congrats.

well done bb x  😜


Says you.

yeah yeah. But anyways
Congratulations Karl.

Thank you guys so much
I was so scared but they
accepted me!

Karl I'm really proud of
You this is a really big
Step that you've taken well done.

We're all proud of you Karl.
Welcome to the dick squad.

Dick squad? 😭

Hehe sapnap would know
What I'm on about.

Yeah yeah haha. Very funny

Bb X

I'm not your 'bb'

Sure you are.

Fine maybe you are 😘


Hey what abt me 🥹

Aww how could we forget
About you 🥰👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨


Way to ruin the moment queer.


I laughed at my friends immaturity but I secretly adored it when sapnap and quackity flirted with me. I've put together over the past few days after thinking a lot about my sexuality that I do like both of them but I'm worried that I'll mess things up if I say anything.

George said they like me but I think he's being nice. I'm really not sure. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to handle a relationship with my mental health right now.

I'm worried it'll be too much stress for me. I hate crying or freaking out in front of my friends, I find it so embarrassing. I know they don't care but it makes feel weak and fragile and I hate that.

I think I'm just going to figure things out as they come.

I don't really have a choice I wouldn't be able to ask them out. The idea of going from zero to a hundred is way too much but i also don't think I'll be able to slowly start anything.

But I really like them, like so much. I'm really not sure what to do now.

Sapnap pov

I'm extremely proud of Karl coming out isn't easy, I honestly don't think I'd be able to do it like that just come out in an announcement like I'd be too scared.

Karl is definitely one of the bravest people I know even though he doesn't think that.

I've always seen coming out as unnecessary but very brave none the less.

I remember when quackity 'came out'.

George was joking with him about being gay and he pulls the 'i actually am gay' it was incredibly funny.

I'm still not entirely sure how the whole school found out, none of us do but I think he is extremely brave for putting up with it

Every time I think about either of them my stomach fills with endless butterflies. I really like them but I have no idea how to say anything to anyone. No one knows I'm gay or well bisexual but still.

I'd also like to keep it that way, I may not look like it but I am a very sensitive person and I don't think I could deal with getting made fun of everyday.

It sounds shit but it's true. I see it happen to George occasionally as he wears a lot of female clothing as he does have a fairly feminine body shape.

But quackity. I've seen quackity be shoved against lockers or be pushed around the hallways be yelled at and so much more.

I try to step in when I can but he usually just pulls me away keeping his head down.

God I wish I could help him more. He's constantly covered in bruises and often looks upset or like he's been crying.

The boys that do it know not to do it to him in front of me or clay because we will beat them up for it, but they still manage to lay their hands on him.

I wish It would stop I hate seeing him so sad.

Words 1363

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