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Tw sh/ed references, rape, abuse, unhealthy relationships (tell me if you think there's anymore.

Quackity pov
I'm not sick I had to lie to clay I felt bad but I just couldn't tell him the truth.

The truth was I had relapsed really badly my waist was completely slashed and covered with cuts.

I looked disgusting. I hadn't slept, I hadn't eaten basically just rotting in bed crying.
My parents didn't care if I went to school or not and my grades are bad enough anyways so going wouldn't make a difference.

I hate my life I'm just , single, sensitive, fat, disgusting, dumb, the list goes on and on I hate my body. I'm short, overweight, I have terrible skin. I just want to be perfect like my friends. Clay and sapnap are tall and muscular, and have sharp jawlines.

Karl and George are pale and dainty but in a good way they look almost delicate, their hair is perfect, they are skinny, and not an imperfection on their face.

I looked into my mirror taking off my shorts I took a good long look at my body hating every inch of it.
I just broke down sobbing again. I don't get why I'm like this.

"Why can't I be happy" I sobbed at the mirror.

I fell back onto my bed I'm not going to school today to be told the exact same thing as I was just thinking.

Sapnap pov.

I woke up to my blaring alarm groaning and I turned it off quickly. I stepped out of my bed shivering at the change in temperature, I walked to the other side of facing the rainbow pride flag beside my mirror.

Oh that's right.

I'm gay or well probably bisexual but I can't ever tell anyone our school is extremely homophobic and although it sounds shitty but I enjoy being popular and this will ruin my image, I've seen other lgbt kids get beaten and stuff including quackity although he always shrugs it off and pretends nothing happened.
I bought the flag on an impulse after I got my first boyfriend and had tagged it to the wall and had been trying to get the pins out.

I cover it with the Texan flag whenever my friends come over or whenever my parents have to come in. But the flag never stayed up and was currently underneath the pride flag in a crumpled mess on the floor.

I'm currently dating what I think anyways is the love of my life. Hes always so kind and sweet to me he'd never ever raise his voice and we are just happy together.

We did have arguments occasionally but it was usually when he wanted to have sex and I didn't he'd get mad but that was my fault so it doesn't matter.

I told him a lot about my life including my past relationships with men.

I hated thinking about this kinda stuff, i think there's been four total. They just used me for my body completely taking over me and telling me I deserve it, I hated it. But it's always my fault.

It was always the same I'd go around to their house and they'd be all nice and sweet but then they'd slowly get more aggressive I wasn't even 15 the first time it happened.

Sapnap flashback 14

"You're so-, mmmmhh" he said massaging my sides. I giggled happily but then i felt his hands move to hook his thumbs under the waist band of my shorts I immediately stopped.

"What are you doing" I said pushing him away from me. "Oh princess I just need you" he whined.

"No stop!" I said moving back as his hand grabbed my waist.

He smacked me across the face and kicked my stomach hard. I fell to the floor holding my stomach in so much pain.

I remember him towering over me. "No one's going to love you if you don't treat them right" he told me and I let him and many others to follow do everything they wanted to me.

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