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Karl pov

I left George's house the next morning driving home to mine. I got in the door and went into the living room. My mom and dad were there they looked really worried.

"Hey guys" I said. "Oh my gosh Karl you should've told us where you were oh my" she said standing up and running to hug me.

"I'm sorry a lot happened last night I had to spend the night at George's house" I said. Thinking about the night before, I had no idea how my parents would react if I told them.

"Why? Did someone hurt you" she said I shook my head. "I-i couldn't-" I stuttered.

"Did you have another anxiety attack lovely?" She asked I nodded slowly shuddering a bit.

"Oh baby c'mere sit down we can talk about it" she said leading me to sit beside her on the couch. My dad was opposite me also looking concerned and worried.

"You can tell us Karly it's ok" my mom said putting a hand on my back.

"I-i em I need to tell you something" I said feeling her hand rub circles on my back.

"I think- well I am g-gay" I muttered then immediately regretted it, putting my face in my hands.

"Oh love-" my mom started. "Please don't be mad i-i I'm sorry I- shouldn't have s-said- anything I-i-m sorry f-forget it-" I cried standing up running into the kitchen starting to sob loudly I could already feel another attack starting.

"Karl c'mere I heard my dad say softly but I couldn't move.

I fell onto the floor overwhelmed, sobbing loudly. I covered my ears with my hands thinking they were gonna yell at me.

My mom ran in followed by my dad. "Hey there's nothing to cry about ok, of course we aren't mad we are proud of you" my mom said kneeing in front of me.

"Sh sh it's ok it's just us" she cooed.

She took my hands off my ears and held them out in front of me my mom had them in hers. "Come back into the sitting room lovely" she said helping me up and into the living room.

"Karly why would you think we'd be mad" my dad said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I-i don't kn-know" I cried, my dad put his arm around me.

"Karl of course we wouldn't" my dad said sweetly.

"We are so proud of you Karly, was the panic attack from coming out to your friends?" My mom asked, I nodded my head.

"What did they say?" She asked. "They said they already knew but they were proud of me, I had the attack after I was really nervous but George calmed me down" I said giggling a bit I saw my parents smile.

"If we are being honest honey we kinda expected it too from a young age" my mom said.

I smirked rolling my eyes playfully.

"I'm glad you're feeling better, but I think there might be some roses that need repotting in the garden if you'd like to come with me" she said.

"Oh my gosh yes just let me get changed then I'll come out" I said running upstairs.

I truly loved my parents, mom always brought me out to the garden after an attack or when I was upset we spent most of our time gardening.

My parents and I thought up a lot of different coping methods we could do over the past few years, but my favourites have always been art and gardening.

I changed into a brown sweater and black shorts going out to the garden. My mom was waiting there for me.

I put on my gloves and we got to work.

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