"Why would you asume I forgot it?"

His eyes flash and for a fraction of a second I'm convinced that they turned a darker shade of blue. But his smile is still easy. "Just call it a hunch. That and I saw you studying the papers on my dashboard."

"Oh, that." I finally step out of the car.

I wish I could stop myself, but I glance over my shoulder to where my car used to be. Of course it's been towed away and is currently being analyzed by forensics, but the area where it used to be still feels haunted. I wonder if the inside of my house will feel the same.

" Which way is your running trail?"

I snap out of my reverie. "Um, it's this way." I wave my hand in the direction of my backyard.

Detective Trevor raises his eyebrows at me and I can guess he won't be heading out there alone. I grit my teeth and move forward. My heels instantly get buried in the soft earth, but I continue to trek on. I will not be entering that house now, not even to get more comfortable footwear.

He glances at my feet but doesn't comment as he follows me to the back entrance and out into the woods. The trail at least is a bit more stable than the yard itself and I don't sink into the soil anymore. I'm still forced into a wobbly walk, and stepping over obstacles is much harder. He stays behind me, a silent companion. After a while, I wonder if he's not bored. Unless he's just glancing at my ass. It's definitely popping out in my tight skirt.

The thought bring heat to my cheeks and I force myself to fall into a more decent step. I'm being silly. He's probably married anyway. As am I. I'm nothing but a job to him. A suspect. The thought of it makes me shiver again even if I have no objective reason to feel this way.

"How much longer?" he finally asks.

That's a good question. The woods all look the same, so I can't be sure exactly where I was when the lightning struck. I was so miserable, I wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings. The thought startles me. Even if I found blood on my car, Steve claims that I attacked him, and I'm part of an ongoing police investigation, I was still much less happy last night.

Detective Trevor clears his throat and I become aware that he is expecting an answer.

"I'm not sure. I wasn't paying much attention because I was deep in thought."

"I see. Anything specific?"

"No. Just work thoughts."

He hums in acknowledgement, but it's somehow in a knowing way and I become uncomfortable. Could he know what happened? Would sharing more with him provide me with some answers? But a part of me is too scared to reveal anything. I don't know him. The fact that he seems to see the weird things I'm seeing could also mean that he's causing them. His angelic face could be hiding a demon. A shiver runs down my spine and I quicken my pace.

"Was it here?" he suddenly asks.

I stop in my tracks and turn to him. He stopped as well, a mere three feet behind me and his eyes are scanning the ground. I'm not sure what he's hoping to see. Maybe a burn mark. There doesn't seem to be one, but I glance around anyway, trying to remember. Then I see the root I tripped on when I fell and tore my sweat pants.

"It's close. Just a little further up front."

He nods and follows me for another few yards. I stop again, glancing around. It could be this place. I don't remember for sure, but I know I didn't run much longer after falling. Detective Trevor takes a few steps further, then turns and glances at the sky. It's still cloudy today, and a chilly wind dances between the branches.

"I think you're right. This must be the place."

The wording is odd. "What do you mean it must?"

He doesn't answer, turning the other way and going back a few paces. Then he crouches, one hand keeping his green tie from getting in the way. He stays on the tips of his toes, the leather of his shoes scrunching under his weight.

"Yes, this is the place."

"What's going on? What are you even looking for? Why won't you talk to me?" 

The anger inside my raises like a tidal wave right before crashing away and disappearing altogether like it was never there. Like I am silly for even being upset with this. After all, nothing is truly happening. He's just being rude.

The wind intensifies and I hug myself for warmth. The chill once again feels unnatural and the ragged whisper floats by me. This time, I think there's words. Not just the breath of the dying, but an actual message flying past me and leaving me frozen.

Detective Trever falls over from his crouch and swears under his breath. My eyes widen because I can't tell if he just lost his balance from the wind or was pushed.

Something touches my shoulder and I jump with a scream, turning the other way. It's nothing but a branch being pushed by the wind. The air escapes my lungs in a rush and all that's left is my frantic heartbeat. I wish I could let go of the fear as fast as I let go of the anger. Instead, it's made worse by the feeling that there's someone behind me. I know Detective Trevor is there, but I also know I'm not sensing him.

It's... Something else.

Puls throbbing in my temples, I turn around slowly. The detective is crouching again, one hand on the ground to keep his balance. He too is looking down the path as if waiting for something to show itself. There's nothing there.

"What..." I swallow heavily. "Was that the wind?"

"No, I don't think so." He keeps his eyes on the clump of trees at the bent in the path. After a few more minutes that feel like hours, he sighs and turns his attention to me. "Did you see anything? Just now?"

I shake my head, still hugging myself. "What's going on?"

"I don't know, but it's not natural."

"What do you mean?"

He calls me over with a wave of his hand. I'm reluctant, but he's still crouching, so I doubt he wants to hurt me. If he wanted to, he could just overpower me right here. It's not like I could outrun him in high heels.

My knees are shaky as I join him on the edge of the trail.

"I guessed this was the place you were supposedly struck by lightning because of this." He places his hand over a patch of clear ground.

It makes no sense. "What about it?"

"Look to your left. Your footsteps continue along the trail. Judging by the distance between them and the cadence, you continued your run. Is that true?"


"And when you returned, you didn't pass through here, am I right?"

"Yes. The trail is circular. I usually run a lap and reach my backyard."

He nods as if he expected that answer. "Which is why this is odd." He scooted three feet to the right and pointed at something on the ground.

I come closer, too, wondering what he saw. I expect to search for it, but it's right there, clear as day. A footprint. One of many, actually. And just like he said, judging by the distance and cadence, someone ran through here.

Except I recognize the markings. I recognize the size. I even recognize the pattern of steps.

Those are the soles of my running shoes.  

Except I never ran in that direction in my life.


Chapter WC: 1,859

Total WC: 7,549

And we're crawling towards the 8k. I don't think the story is scary, but I hope it's at least interesting. 😅

But hey! Eva might have found an ally through this madness. Or has she? Could handsome detective Trevor be the actual cause for all this? Stick around and find out!

Hope you're enjoying the story and thanks for your support.

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