"Mhm alright, let go Mr. Stefano you know how much I hate being late" he doesnt even make a sound simply just walks toward the door and straight to the car.

"веди себя хорошо и перестань вести себя так, пока я снова не сбросил тебя с лестницы."(behave, and drop the fucking attitude before I fucking throw you down the stairs again)

"Yes sir" I walk out of the house and quilty step into the car, and the car drives out. We are almost there when Romeo finally speaks.

"What is this shoot for" Upon hearing his voice Isorta jumped, I had completely forgotten he was here.

"It's a lingerie shoot for a campaign on body image"

"So you're going to be naked?"

"What no."

"Mhm sure" Whatever

I get out of the car and get straight inside the building quickly going to change and sit down so they can do my makeup, while Romeo just quietly follows me around, he's been off all morning.

🎶House Of Balloons/ Glass Table Girls-The Weeknd🎶

"Are you okay", I ask when we are alone in the makeup room waiting for me to be called out

"Yes" Mhm sure

I don't get a chance to answer before I hear my name called out and I'm rushed to the set to start my session.

"Princesa, I don't think you're father is going to like the idea of you making a straight sex video"

"HAHAH yeah right, you know that the only reason I model is because he wants me to, right? Like everything I'm signed up to do; papa chose for me. Nothing I do is chosen by me. Ever"

"Yeah right, that's fucking bullshit, you're a spoiled brat for just has to snap her fingers to get what she wants" Rolling my eyes I walk away, but his words hurt, is that what I truly look like to him?

Urgh whatever I don't care, I confidently step onto the set, slowly slipping off my robe and hanging it off to the assistant near the side, quickly setting my mindset into the one of a sex goddess. With each click of the shutter, The camera captures every curve as I strike powerful poses, exuding an air of self-assurance and empowerment. As I showcase the brand's exquisite lingerie collection, I am not just a model, but a symbol of confidence and beauty. I hope the images captured during this photoshoot will inspire women around the world to embrace their own uniqueness and feel empowered in their bodies. I almost completely forgot Romeo was in the corner watching me, until I made eye contact with him while staring into the carman, looking at him and knowing what I was wearing gave me a sort of rush, almost excitement.

 As I step off the set, I'm once again handed my robe and I walk over to Romeo to let him know we can go back to the makeup room to change my clothes. As I talk to him I see his eyes are dark, hungry almost. But he doesnt say anything simply nods and follows me. As we get back in the room I sit on my chair and turn to face Romeo

"So do you that counts as a sex tape for Papa, or should I have done a little more?"I lean back in my seat, crossing my arms over my chest. Placing them strategically right under my boobs, I watch expectantly his expression, satisfied to see his eyes drawn to my chest. "Mhm I think you could have done a little better," he mumbles, his eyes narrowed at me in distaste. "Why did you want to accompany me anyway?I mean you could have told my father no, and I would have simply come by myself" He raises an eyebrow. "I wasn't asked, I was told; not only by your father but mine as well," he says in a smug tone, and the way he looks at me immediately changes.

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