Eight- Pick Up

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I walked out of the house, panicked to say the least. What the fuck was going on? I slept through the night? It's day time.

Before the dreams it said something about being an incarnate for wolves. My dreams said nothing about that. Just showing my love for Jasper and Alice that they never even mentioned. Getting on my bike, I sat there for a moment before starting the engine. Thinking about everything that just happened. Should I call them?

Would they even want to speak with me? Would they pick up? Alice probably already saw this happening and if that's true, I think she'd care enough to warn me maybe? Right?

Shaking the thoughts away I start the engine, turning the bike around to speed out on the road. Weirdly getting a feeling of someone watching me. Glancing around, peeking through the woods. Animalistic eyes staring back at me. I think? I mean it could range from vampires to wolves obviously. If it wanted to attack it would've already that's all I know. Ignoring it for now might be the best for me.

Hopefully it's not the wrong move but who knows. Getting into the Rev, I practically almost forgot to put my kick stand up as I was in such a rush. Going from sleeping, dreaming, to now awake as nothing happened. I felt the stares as usual, having to ignore them like I always have. I rush up to Billy and Jacob's house.

Knocking repetitively. Not stopping until the door swings open. "Why are you knocking like that this early?!" I'm met with Billy in his wheel chair, his facial expression is worried and obviously alarmed. "I need you to answer some questions." I squeeze past him, into the house before he can even begin to say no.

"Well good morning to you too, [Name]." He sighs out.
"I'm sorry but I'm freaking out Billy and I have no one else to turn to." I sit down at his kitchen table, my face contorting, matching all the emotions I'm feeling.

"What's going on? Let's start there, hm?" He joins me at the table. I glance around. "No one's home right?" I fidget with my hands, my eyes darting around the house. "It's just me. Jake's with Bella. I'm surprised you didn't know." He informs me. "I was too busy sleeping to hear anything about that." I spit out.

"Sleeping?" His eyes widen.

"Yeah, yeah, that's what I needed to see you about. Sam said I'm an incarnate. From the God's or something. Which confused me because I thought your beliefs are the spirits, ancestors I mean. I've seen my past lives too. But I only have bits and pieces of my memories, but last night I fell asleep and then was like living those memories I've never seen before?" It all rolled off my tongue. Not having to breathe while explaining things is a curse within a blessing sometimes.

I look over at Billy to see his reaction but it's hard to read. His face was stern, as if he's heard of this before. "You were never meant to be a vampire, [Name]." He sighs. "You don't think I know that?" I exclaim, holding my head in frustration. "Incarnates are a wolf thing, I-I've never heard of one becoming a vampire..." He goes quiet, then moving his wheel chair to another room. I feel as though I should follow him but I stop myself, waiting for him to come back.

"There's really nothing I can explain but, you should've met someone from the Quileutes in your first life. Must've had one fall in love with you." He laughs, he comes back in with a book in his lap.

"I was in love with Jasper in my first life." I disagree with him. "I said one must've fallen in love with you. It didn't have to be the other way around, sweetheart." He opens the book, laying it on the table. He points to a section in the book. Unrequited love from an imprint.

"That's not possible." I cross my arms. "I was told when one imprints both parties can't control it, they both fall in love." I say as if he doesn't know his own Native stories. "Unless the love they have for another is stronger." He finishes the paragraph in the book. "And then once they pass they live another, their curse to turn into a wolf. None of your incarnates did so. It's never happened and it never will. I hope." He adds in the last part in a quiet tone. I tilt my head to the side.

The Switch of Daylight- Alice x Reader x JasperWhere stories live. Discover now