Five- Tore Up

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A month later Bella still has been in a weird funk, she barely talks anymore.
There's no light in her eyes. She's boring.
Sorry to put it in rough words I guess.

I make sure she eats and at least is getting food in her stomach but there's really nothing else I can do.

I hang out with the guys on the Rez. Mainly Sam, I go see Jacob too but he doesn't really talk to Sam so he feels awkward whenever we hang out.

So Sam is my go to. Or hanging out with Angela and surprisingly Jessica.
They try to get Bella to come out but she's still in a depression.

October has been plain. I still haven't opened the letter that lays on the ground.
Jessica has brought it up every time she's come over.

She's tried to pick it up but I tell her to knock it off and we eventually leave my room to go somewhere else.

I don't trust her in my room alone either. She's too nosy even Angela can be influenced by her so I tend to go over to their places.

November, everyone starts to decorate for Christmas, it's been getting colder and Bella hasn't changed at all. Bob Marks and his wife even brought over a turkey and tried to explain their concern for her.

We tell them she's okay she just wants time alone. I knew Charlie was getting worried as ever.
For Thanksgiving I talked Charlie into having Sam and Jacob join us, maybe getting Bella to open up a little bit.

But of course it really didn't. She wasn't paying attention to anything, having to repeat ourselves numerous times.

December, Charlie dragged in a Christmas tree toward the house, I watched as he looked up at Bella who sat by the window as she normally did, listening to music in the background.
And now her depression is starting to ware off on me.

The letter on the floor of my room becoming more of a distraction every time I enter the room.
The white becoming brighter like the sun is purposely shining down on it through the clouds.
As much as I want to read it, I know it would bring me down. The anger would seep back in.
Taking control.

"Hey, you're gonna open it today?" Sam knocks on the door, startling me. I turn to look at him and I laugh nervously.

"Huh, no, I think I'm going to throw it away." I go over to it and I think about picking it up but something stops me.

"Would you want me to read it and then I could let you know if it would upset you too much?" He offers, "you just want to know what it says." I smirk.

"Maybe but I know how much it's bothering you." He shrugs his shoulders. I nod my head, thinking for a little bit before finally picking up the stupid letter.

"Here." | shove it on his chest. He takes it and then sits down on the bed.

He reads it, taking his time as I then started to pace back and forth in my room.
I hear the paper crumple and I snap my neck over at him.

Hey, what are you doing?" I go up to him but as he crumpled it he then starts tearing it up.
"There's no point in reading this. He throws away the now shredded and crumpled pieces of paper away. My eyes don't leave the sight of the trash can.

"Why?" I look up at him, confused by his strong reaction.

"We worked too hard for you to get upset like Bella, it's best you stay in the dark. You trust me right?" He smiles reassuringly but for some reason I feel odd about this.

"Yeah, yeah of course I do." I partly lie. Shaking the feeling off I leave the room, he follows behind.

We go outside to see Bob Marks try to ask Bella how she is but she of course is in her own world and doesn't hear him. Bob shrugs it off to Charlie but I can see that my dad is done with this.

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