The One-Year War Prologue:Hostilities

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General School No. 13. Sector C

... Some years had passed since the Black League had fully welcomed both the Quarians and the Geth under their umbrella. Rannoch had become home for both human colonists from the Old Worlds, the original Colonies of the UNSC Refugee Flotilla, and the Quarian people. Clad in the standard pioneer uniforms of the school, black jackets, black pants, boots that fit the specific feet of the species and various other details including sashes for some of the Quarians of 'noble' descent, the youth of the Black League's Alien member and autonomous state, the New Rannoch Republic were being taught of the World as a whole. Namely, of items that had influenced their rise.

"... And amidst the cultural influences belonging to our human compatriots, none seems to have spoken more to our leaders, strangely enough, than an old animated series," The Teacher spoke softly, pointing with a stick at images drawn of bipedal mechanoids the size of small buildings fighting it out. She continued, "While 'Gundam' was influential in how we viewed ourselves, many criticized the idea that the Quarian and Geth People should see themselves through the lens of an animated product of its Era."

She turned to face the class of thirty-odd students, continuing, "They'd say that taking after the supposed 'antagonist' of the series was also a tad strange. What many have understood since is that we have not taken after them completely, merely adopted the ideals of our future being not one of binding to Rannoch. Our home was returned to us by our brothers and sisters in the UNSC's largely militaristic government, much like Zeon's was. Though there are no real 'ruling families' here and our processes are democratic in nature, much like theirs. Our futures are henceforth intertwined as guardians of the Stars and wider galaxy, rather than warlike threats to it."

A child, one with a purple sash around his black jacket, which marked him as the child of a family of engineers and scientists, raised his three-finger hand, requesting permission to speak. The teacher pointed at him and said, "Yes, Rael. Go ahead," as a UNSC Pelican flew past the window in the distance, a young, blonde Human girl staring at it with a modicum of awe...

"Ma'am, thank you..." Rael nodded, "Do our influences truly matter, seeing as we've managed to integrate with the Black League quite well? Yes, our people view the idea of Rannoch's... Desire... To represent ourselves through the same lens as the referenced Spacenoids, that of an independent yet closely-related group to the original nation and people they were born out of, shouldn't really affect how our people see us."

"Most of the human population agrees, Rael," The Teacher nodded, "It's why none have commented about our desire to elaborate a pseudo-caste system for our peoples. The Zorah family themselves have helped establish us as a basis for scientific and technological advancement for the Military and Civilian sectors, as an example, which has really helped improve relations with the rest of Black League space. Hence, they were given the sashes of the Science sector."

She then pointed at another student, sat beside Rael, and said, "The Xen family has established themselves as cunning tacticians, taught in Wargames to be soldiers and officers for the Black League. It's why Daro has a Red Sash, that of the Military. Of course," She shrugged, "Sashes can be changed if that family member so desires. Of course, it hasn't really occurred much, due to how young this new cultural revolution is."

Daro chuckled and spoke, "Ma'am, with all due respect, much as I like this change of style for us, I nominally understand some of our friends' reluctance to us adopting this lifestyle. I mean, even some of our own more conservative folk have really argued against it, haven't they?"

"Indeed, Daro," The woman nodded, "Much like many have argued about the genetic engineering done to assist us and our future generations to not rely on Sterile Field Generators or our enviro-suits anymore," and she pointed at the kids around them. That was a stark difference, in truth. In only a generation or two, the UNSC's highly-advanced medical technology, nominally built for Humans, was adapted to help modify the people of Rannoch to withstand the danger outside their formerly-protective shells.

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