In Memoriam

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Doctor Grayson looked over the latest bits of the data the Concordat's AI had delivered to them, namely the FTL Coordinates. After a quick imprint of calculation systems for the UNSC's Slipstream Space drives and already-declassified information of the drives had been sent to Atlana, the AI positively glowed, both literally and figuratively, before her somewhat limited functions had already begun running the conversion calculus.

They had several new Systems nearby to explore, which the Admiral had communicated to the Prowlers of the Fleet. Already, there were promising results in regards to Concordat's saved locations, but that was not all that the Artificial Intelligence, or, as it called itself, 'Virtual Intelligence'(seemingly a 'dumb' version of local galactic AI) had sent their way.

Indeed, not all research was available in this station. However, it was possible to glean several useful technologies, including basic variations of the FTL Drives utilized by the Concordat, though, as stated, that was tied to the Relays, which they've yet to find any of. Also added upon it was research regarding laser technology that could potentially make UNSC Directed Energy Weapons feasible later down the line. Of course, that later down the line meant when the UNSC's Refugee Fleet had a proper industrial base set up.

That should not take as long, Grayson thought as she pushed aside a tablet from her desk and checked a bunch of print-outs that she had done. Blueprints for various advances the UNSC could apply right now with the added Element Zero they had discovered within the confines of the Spire, including new FTL drives that could be made in the manufactory areas of the Carriers and Phoenixes.

The UNSC had orbital mining capabilities from their carrier-based mining drones and resource gathering operations and industrial capabilities from their ships, but ships could easily be lost in combat, or during accidents. They would need to develop a major presence on any habitable world, fast, so they could start proper research and development, unchained from the production lines of their warships.

She hummed, then thumbed her tablet, scanned the blueprints and sent them to the Admiral, before standing up and calling, "Latana," as she scanned the large room that had become her laboratory. Each wall was lined with symbols and information regarding the Concordat, their technology, missing locations and her own research into the Concordat's terraforming tech itself, for possible uses should their Prowlers not find anything worthwhile.

She sighed, utilizing her tablet to send any important and thoroughly-researched data to the Admiralty and the rest of the R&D department. Marching through the ship, doctor Grayson met the weight of the crew's stares and surprise head-on. They were not used to seeing her out of the lab this often, but she had chosen to always deliver all important research documents and new developments directly to the Admiral.

She marched past some of the Army and Marines, receiving quick salutes from the men while the deck crews were working on basic maintenance. Beside them, some civilian contractors had been woken up to provide help in building and in preparation for the necessary infrastructure construction that the UNSC may need. Several had already been deployed on the planet's dark side to begin building a research base around the massive terraforming array. Underground, of course.

Entering the bridge, the woman paused as she saw the Admiral speaking to the captains of the other vessels over the com. She stepped up beside him and overheard the discussion, "... We've still got wavespace contact with the Prowlers, so the information we've just sent should reach them fairly soon. Let's hope they've got accurate jump coordinates out of the AI..."

"Agreed, sir," Replied the commander of the ONI members in the fleet, an elderly woman with some degree of insanity hidden behind the veneer of calm. She eyed the doctor, then said, "Doctor Grayson, hope you've brought some news for us beside more dead planets..." with what was tantamount to snark in her voice, at least for this one ONI operator and commander.

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