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Caroline and Elena are walking through the gym hall which is being decorated for the 20s Decade Dance. Caroline has a clipboard and is in charge of the preparations as Rebekah is missing.

Caroline: So, Alaric is trying to pull himself together, why is that a bad thing?

Elena: I just...I wish there was something I could do.

Elena picks up a chandelier.

Elena: Where do you want me to hang this thing?

Caroline: You know what, if Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrousity she should have shown up to do it herself. [Hands the chandelier to a passingby student.] Just no! Can you believe she thinks she's Margot's favorite? As if!

Caroline sees Matt and Jeremy hanging up stars in the ceiling.

Caroline: What are you doing? You can't just hang them! They're supposed to trickle down.

Matt: Trickle, duh!

Caroline: Look at them all bromancy.

Elena: Yeah I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust. He got him his old job back at the Grill.

Caroline: That was nice of him.

Elena: Jeremy has got a lot on his mind. The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out.

Caroline: So who you taking to the dance?

Elena: Who do you think? Mar.

Caroline: Same here.


Margot is walking down the hallway coming to a stop in front of a large door, she goes to grab the knob when her phone rings.

She answers it

Margot: Yes, my love?

Elena: Do you have a second?

Margot: I always have time for my loves. What's up?

Elena: I'm going to the dance tonight and I want you to go with me

Margot: I would be honored, my love. I'll pick you up

Elena: Bye

Margot: Bye, darling.

She hangs up and opens up the door and walks into a large open floored room that goes back for what looks like hundreds of miles.

She looks over at a crate and scoffs

Margot: Why did I ever create that bloody Ark? Should have given Dr. Jones a gift.


Margot and Elena walks into the gym, arm in arm.

Elena: Teach me some moves

Margot: Of course, darling

Elena grabs her hand and drags her toward the dance floor. They start dancing and a romantic slow number comes on. They start slow dancing.

Elena lays her head on her shoulder as they sway side to side to the music. Margot kisses her on the side of the head.


Margot walks up to Caroline and grabs her waist dragging her out onto the dance floor, Caroline giggles throwing her arms around her neck as they begin dancing.

Caroline: Much better.

Margot: You would've loved the 1920s, Caroline. The girls were reckless, sexy, fun. They literally used to dance until they dropped.

Caroline: Hmpf, I don't suppose that ever happened to their dance partners.

Margot: I can't think of better dance partners then my loves.

She spins her around pulling her back against her chest. Caroline smiles up at her with a loving look.

Caroline: I love you, Margot

Margot smiles, pressing her lips to hers

Margot: I love you too, darling

Caroline buries her head in her chest while Margot tightens her arms around her holding her close.


Several candles are lit and Bonnie is chanting. Damon, Stefan, Klaus, Jamie and Jeremy are there.

Jamie: She does this all the time, right?

Klaus: What's taking so long?! All boundary spells have a loop hole.

Gabriel and Raphael enters the classroom

Raphael: The humans are leaving meaning only you vampires are infected by the barrier spell.

Jeremy: Matt and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is.

Gabriel: Yes to the blonde quarterback, how hell no to you?

Raphael: Mother always has a plan.


Margot stands in front of the fireplace, a glass of bourbon in her hand as she raises it to her lips taking a sip staring into the flames


Alaric is lying on the floor of the Salvatore tomb. Elena pulls the indestructible white oak stake out of Alaric.

Esther: He'll wake soon. When he does he may for a time be his old self. If so you can say your goodbyes before his transition is complete.

Elena: You said you wanted to undo the evil that you created, but this...This is just as evil!

Esther: Alaric will never be what my children became. I have granted him enough power to complete his task. Then when the time is right, he will die.

Elena: How, if he's immortal?

Esther: All you need to know is that when this is over we will have rid the earth of vampires once and for all.

Elena: Yeah, but you'll be killing the good along with the bad, you're no better than Klaus!

Esther: Am I not? I desire a world whe----

Suddenly dark storm clouds begins to form in the skies above and a strong wind blows through the graveyard, thunder rumbles and a lightening bolt comes down from the heavens into the crypt striking Esther in the chest

Esther: AHHHHH!!

She's blown into nothing as dust blows out into the wind.


Margot takes another sip as her lips curls up into a smirk staring into the flames

Margot: Enjoy the Other Side, whore.

She downs her glass and walks upstairs down the hallway into the master bedroom where Rebekah's body lays on the bed, she sits down and takes her hand in hers raising it to her lips.

Rebekah slowly opens her eyes and sits up, placing her hand on her face

Rebekah: Hey

Margot: Hello, Love.

Rebekah: Is it done?

Margot: It's done. Your mother's dead and now we can start our family.

Rebekah's eyes wells up with happy tears as she buries her head in her chest. Margot wraps her arms around her tightly

Rebekah: I love you

Margot: I love you more, my love.

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