Ayano The Overlord: Part 1

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Pov Ayanokouji:

After what the archangel said, people are starting to suspect me more.

Although the clues have been subtle so far, there will probably come a point where they know of my actions.

At the moment I have already thought of some plans in case the situation gets out of control.

The most dangerous thing will be if they ask about the White Room.

Avoiding the questions will not serve for long.

Although I could refuse to respond, citing the fact that it is my privacy, I cannot say that this archangel will do the same.

So the ideal is to mix truth with a little lie.

With Kushida and Kei helping me, my words will have greater weight with others.

Plus since most don't know me, they don't have many options anyway.



Maybe the only ones I should worry about are people like Ryuuen and Sakayanagi.

Sakayanagi knows my situation, so she is more likely to help me than harm me.

And Ryuuen... is not a person who just spreads information like that, although he will probably use this to force me to confront him.

I have no problem if one of them asks me to face them, since my abilities will be shown on the screen sooner or later anyway.

The same would happen with Nagumo and Yagami.

As for Amasawa, she has currently left the main stage. She no longer has any reason to want to expel me, so she will most likely leave me alone.

And with Horikita-sempai, he will probably return to wherever he was when the reaction is over, plus he has no reason to go against me.


And what if someone goes against me anyway?





I will destroy that someone.


*After the break*

Pov Third Person:

With those present back in their places, our archangel decided to continue his work.

- Michael: Well, since everyone is ready, let's see what will be shown next

Everyone looked at the screen with expectation.

The name on the screen generated confusion among some people, while others were already making their own theories about what they would see next

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The name on the screen generated confusion among some people, while others were already making their own theories about what they would see next.

- Michael: Okay, let's get started.

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