A/N: 3

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Well, as I said in the last chapter, I'm going to explain the reason for my absence and what will happen to this fic in the future.

By the way, you can skip the chapter if you want or are not very interested.

Now yes.

Well, the main reason for the few updates is...

Because I'm working.

It's not surprising because I think most people work.

But hey, I'm working a schedule from: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

And that's why I don't have much time left to write or do other things.

Well, that's the reason.

And now, what do I mean by the future of this fic?

Simple, in a few days I'm going to start going to the academy.

I'm going to start preparing to go to university.

Well my parents have asked me to concentrate on my studies and that's what I'm going to do.

So I won't have time for anything anymore.

So most likely this reaction fic will be canceled or paused indefinitely.

I do not have any other option.

That being said, thanks for reading.


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Ok, sorry for the bad joke.

Well it's not all a joke

Most of what I said is true.

Except for the cancellation part of the story.

Probably anyone else would.

But not me.

I'll do whatever, but this fic won't be slow or anything like that.

Updates may be slow, but it won't be canceled.

I can assure you at least 1 or maybe 2 chapters per week.

And if I don't update, remember that I'm not dead.

When will this fic end?

I still don't have an exact ending.

My goal for now is to finish reacting to RainSennin 's entire Eroge fic

Afterwards I don't know what the road will hold.

But until then this fic has a lot of time to live.

I will be uploading the next chapter in these days. (One-shots)

So expect it soon.

Without further ado, thank you for reading.


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