Classroom of the Elite: The Eroge: Part 2

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POV Third Person:

- Michael: Well, then here's the explanation

Everyone in the salt remained silent to listen to the archangel's words.

'It's time for answers'

- Michael: As I said before watching the videos, these are alternative universes or worlds

The people in the room nodded.

- Michael: Well, these universes are similar and different from each other at the same time.

That statement generated confusion.

- Nagumo: Forgive me for interrupting you Michael-san, but could you explain it a little better?

- Michael: Basically what I want to say is that it is up to you to believe that it is true and that it is not

- Kiyotaka: 'A good answer'

Horikita: Excuse me, but could you be more specific? 'That's too vague an answer'

- Michael: I'll give you an example.

Everyone listened carefully to the words of the divine being.

- Michael: Let's take the previous video as an example.

- Michael: In it the students were in the middle of a zombie infection

- Michael: But despite that, for example, Horikita Manabu was still the ex-SCP, or Ryuuen Kakeru was still defeated, or the special exams were the same, etc.

The people in the room nodded.

- Michael: Now, let's take the 3rd video as an example, in this one there were some changes, such as the creation of an extra class, or the early introduction of Yagami Takuya and Amasawa Ichika

- Ichinose: Michael-san, are you trying to say that in some cases things will be similar and in others they won't?

- Michael: Exactly, and I'm not going to go into more details. If you want to find out something, do it on your own.

Everyone became calmer with the explanation of the being and did not ask any more questions.

- Michael: Now, before we start

The archangel applauded and the entire scenario began to change.

Now the seats were more spacious and there are no more secluded places.

- Michael: Now that everyone is together, let's get started.

The screen turned on again.

Chapter 1: Tutorial Complete!

In order to take his mind off of his newfound 'power' for a while, Kiyotaka opted to take a nap inside the bus on the way to his new school. However, he also knew that this was only going to prolong the inevitable because there would be nothing that can stop this dating simulator from going nuts once he arrives at the campus.

Surely, there would be a lot of beautiful girls at school whom the dating sim can consider a 'Potential Heroine', and Kiyotaka was already dreading that possibility.

The young man himself was a calm and rational person but since this situation involved something that was completely out of his control and had no chance of manipulating to his advantage, it was starting to get to him.

Perhaps the feeling of being helpless and defeated can be considered a consolation prize?

Anyway, he wanted to enjoy his high school life, damn it! He didn't want to be a 'protagonist' or whatever status this stupid mechanic treated him as! Kiyotaka was also sure that there's a 'potential heroine' somewhere inside this bus, which made him decide to take a nap instead.

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