I think that's a red flag I don't want to get STABBED-

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“Heh look Ganymede! Callisto painted my nails!” Io exclaimed as he floated towards him and Europa, showing off his black nails.

“Black? Is that the only color Callie knows?” Europa snickered, looking at Callisto who just flipped her off.
“I like them though…” Io smiled a bit.

“You’re cheating! You shuffled the cards so you could only get advantages!” Enceladus yelled as he grabbed Mimas’ cards, revealing a bunch of +4 cards.
“HEY! NOW YOU ARE THE ONE CHEATING!” Mimas yelled as he tried to pull his cards back from him.
“We shouldn’t have invited them to play,” Iapetus whispered to Titan.
“Hey hey hey! Calm down you two!” Ganymedes yelled, making them both shut up.

“I will shuffle the cards this time. Hand them over.” Mimas groaned as he threw his in the middle and the rest followed before Ganymede began to shuffle them.

Suddenly, Saturn slammed an asteroid out of the way, causing Ganymede to jump in surprise as the cards fell.
He glanced around before he floated towards everyone, seemingly annoyed.

“Kids. Bed. Now. I want to talk to your father,” Saturn growled as he placed his hands on his hips, glaring at Jupiter.

‘Oh shit what did I do now?’ Jupiter thought on the inside while he was calm and blank on the outside. Jupiter was currently sitting, reading a book while the other moons were just having fun and interacting with one another.

He needed to avoid Saturn’s potential rage. He needs witnesses in case things go south.

“No, kids, stay,” Jupiter spoke calmly as he closed his book, sitting up from his chair.
“Please stay.”

Their moons, a bit shocked, looked over to both Saturn and Jupiter to try and figure out what was going to happen.

“Go!” Saturn glared at his moons.
“Stay!” Jupiter looked over to his moons, trying to plead with them.
“You go!” Saturn pointed at Titian who quickly nodded.

Titan realizing that Saturn was being dead serious right now, began to whisper at his other siblings.
They all knew how scary he could get whenever he was about to throw a tantrum and when he wanted them out was for their good and safety from the chaos that was about to be unleashed. They all nodded in agreement as they quickly moved from where they were and floated away a safe distance.

‘Shit there goes most of them- I still have my A team thorough…’

Jupiter quickly turned around to look at his moons.
“Ganymede, stay!”
“Now!” Saturn glared.
“Callisto don't move!”
“You go!”
“Io, stay!” Jupiter’s voice sounded more desperate as he pleaded with his moons.

Europa, not wanting to deal with this anymore pushed them all out of his orbit, away from what was happening, only hearing the yellings and loud voices become fainter and fainter as they moved away.

“DON'T LEAVE MEEEEEEE!” Jupiter screamed at the top of his lungs as Saturn lifted the chair with his gravity, looming over Jupiter who was cowering on the floor, both hands in front of him, trying to stop Saturn and beg for mercy.


“Well, now what?” Callisto asked with her monotone voice.

The moons stared at each other, floating in place before someone spoke out.
“Well, do you think it’s over?” Dione asked as Titan shrugged, “Knowing Saturn, it will take a few hours…”

The others groaned, realizing they were stuck endlessly floating in the void with nothing to do besides talk.

“Wanna play Uno again?” Mimas spoke out as he took out the deck of cards from his pockets.

Are you ready for another bad poem? (Jupiter x Saturn One-shots)Where stories live. Discover now