hey guys i can teach you how to ride something pretty BIG AHAHAHAH WHAT NO-

454 9 17

“When you told me you were magical in bed,” Saturn said, making quotation signs with his fingers, “I didn’t expect this.”

Saturn laid in bed, next to Jupiter who was currently shirtless as he shuffled a deck of cards.
Saturn had his arms crossed over his chest, upset that this night wasn’t going as he initially had planned.

“Is this your card?” Jupiter grinned as he showed Saturn a card, the three of clubs.
“Holy shit-” Saturn whispered as he took the card from Jupiter’s hand to examine it, trying to figure out how he even managed to get the correct card or if he was cheating.

“Pretty magical, eh?” Jupiter elbowed him gently at his side as Saturn rolled his eyes with a small smile.

“Yeah yeah, whatever. How did you even manage to do that?”
“Well, I was reading some books I had lying around and well I decided to try them out. Also, this isn’t real magic, but an ill-”

Saturn quickly covered his mouth, stopping him from going on with his nerd ramblings.

“Okay I’ve seen and heard enough- DID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND!?” Saturn screeched as he pulled his hand away from Jupiter’s mouth which was now covered in the warm, wet saliva.

“YOU ARE SO DISGUSTING EW EW EW!” Saturn wiped his hand on the bedsheets as Jupiter laughed.

“Well that’s weird since you never say that or act like this whenever I kiss you-” Jupiter yelped as Saturn hit him with a pillow.

“Different things and you know it!”
Saturn huffed as he laid down, pulling the covers over him as he turned away from him.

“C'mon Saturn… don’t be like that.” Jupiter smiled a bit as he moved his hand over to poke him.
No response.

Jupiter looked at him before sighing. He rolled over to him, placing an arm around him and pulling him close causing Saturn to tense up.

“Sorry for licking you, heh.” Jupiter apologized as Saturn looked up at him.
“Are you?”


Saturn gave him a small glare before Jupiter leaned over and kissed him. He then quickly pulled away before Saturn could register what had just happened.

“Okay, I have something else we can do before going to bed…” Jupiter smirked as he winked, causing Saturn to deeply blush as he stared at him with slight anticipation.

"Something very magical~" Jupiter said as he waved both his hands.

“Let’s go under the covers…” Jupiter smiled as he lifted the covers over them both, Saturn on edge trying to figure out what Jupiter was planning.

“Ta-da!” Jupiter smiled as he had a bunch of glow-in-the-dark stars.
“Aren’t they pretty? Look at how brightly they glow!”


Jupiter was now forced to sleep in the bathtub.

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